Chapter sixteen - Temptation

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We pulled up outside my house and he cut the engine. The journey back had been a bit awkward and we'd spent most of it in silence.

"Thanks for bringing me home" I smiled as I grabbed my bag and reached for the handle.

"Al wait" he reached for my arm stopping me in my tracks. I looked at him for some sort of explanation.

"Sorry I just, I feel like there's something going on here that I'm not quite getting. Is everything okay with you and Natalie?"

My eyes grew wide and I relaxed my hand away from the door.

"I should have known I couldn't hide anything from you" I sighed and slumped back into my seat.

"Alex you can trust me, you know that right?" His big blue eyes were so kind and sincere.

"I know" I mumbled twiddling with the material on the hem of my dress, I let out a final sigh and closed my eyes not wanting to believe what I was about to say.

"I think it's Natalie who sent the texts and the video to Chase" tears began to roll down my cheeks as I admitted the words to myself again. He reached out to wipe them away.

"Hey, shh don't cry, I didn't mean to make you upset" he soothed "What makes you think it's her?"

I took a deep breath willing myself to find the strength to talk about it." she knew about them; I didn't tell her, and you didn't so..." I shrugged

"That doesn't mean she sent them, maybe- "

"I caught her out Josh, when I asked her how she knew she lied and said you'd told her"

His innocent eyes grew wide "Alex I swear I didn't- "

"I know" I watched as the reality sunk in and he processed what I was telling him. Why would Natalie lie if she didn't have something to hide?

"Shit Alex I'm so sorry"

"I've got no idea what I'm going to do, I need time to process all of this before I speak to her"

"That's why Chase was worried about her taking you home, he insisted I take you home personally"

"He did?"

"Don't act so surprised, I may not like the guy, but I can tell he is trying to look out for you at least"

"He is"

Always baby

Chase was he here. I snapped my head away from Josh and gazed around my porch. He was there I knew it.

"You okay" Josh asked looking a little confused by my sudden movement

"Sorry I was just checking if my mums car was back yet, I didn't tell her about the party so I better get inside before she gets back and catches me red handed" I laughed hoping he believed my lie.

He chuckled "Alex Morgan the rebel child"

"I grabbed my bag and hopped out of the car "thanks for tonight Josh, I appreciate your friendship more than you know"

"I'm always here for you Alex, remember that" he smiled before watching me head to my door and let myself in. I heard the sound of the car pulling away and immediately ran to let myself out of the kitchen door.

"Were you looking for these?" Chase asked as he sat on the porch swing holding up my panties. I shot him a wicked grin and ran over to him jumping on his lap, my knees straddling his lap. My lips found his before he could speak again, my hands getting lost in his hair. I felt him harden beneath me and desire filled my body, my hands found their way down to his shirt and pushed it up wanting to feel the warm contact of his skin. I moved my kisses to his exposed torso as I held his t shirt up.

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