Chapter twenty seven - Fresh page

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When I told Chloe it was too late at the creek the other day I'd meant it. But when she walked into that English class and I saw her smile when Hoskins announced his torturous pop quiz I couldn't help but smile along with her. I'd sent her a quick thought on a whim, loving the way I knew it would make her feel. In that moment I'd just wanted to make her happy and I knew letting her know I was still there. That our connection was still there would do that for her.
I hadn't meant for her to follow me to the supply closet but the more I thought about it subconsciously maybe that's what I had in fact wanted, after all why had I gone there. For us to go back to where it all began. To start again, a fresh page.

Now I was back to watching her from a distance as she walked across the quad with Natalie. She was talking animatedly about something, she seemed happy. She was smiling and it made me smile too.
"How's it going stalker boy"
I was pulled from my thoughts by Chloe tapping me on the shoulder.
"So are you going to go over there or are you leaving it at a quick fumble in the closet for today?" She questioned with a raised brow.
I knew telling her was a mistake. She'd never let me hear the end of it, how she was right all along and I should have just listened to her.
I turned away from Alex and rolled my eyes at my best friend as I yanked her away and headed towards my car.
"Come on, let's get out of here" I mumbled as I picked up my pace across the grass, not giving her chance to argue.

I felt her eyes on me on the car ride home and knew it was only a matter of time before she graced me with her thoughts.
" this how you're playing it now? Running Alex hot and cold?" She asked with an accusing tone to her voice. I kept my eyes focused on the road ahead not letting her get a rise out of me.
"It's not like that" I responded innocently, I knew she wouldn't understand.
"Really, tell me then. What is it like?" She pushed me further as she cocked her head to one side and studied my face.
"I want to do things right this time that's all" I huffed hoping that would put an end to her interrogation. I should have known better.
"And how are you going to do that?" She quizzed with a smirk on her face.
I pulled up onto her drive and cut the engine before looking over at her and answering with a smile.
"By taking her on a date"


I'd met up with Natalie after school still buzzing inside at the events from a few hours before. I'd texted Natalie straight after and I knew she'd demand details as soon as she saw me. I felt like a giddy lovesick puppy as I recalled the events from the morning, unable to wipe the smile from my face as I told her.
"So you're back together?" She asked hopefully. I let out a small sigh and shrugged.
"I'm not entirely sure, but we're working on it. Taking things slow I guess" I could feel my smile grow wider.
"God I've not seen you happy like this in forever" she beamed back at me.
"I've not felt this happy in a long while" I answered as she put an arm around me and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze.
"Come on, I'm driving us into town. We're getting milkshakes and talking about all things Chase Matthews" she grinned as she pulled me towards her car.

I sat at the table as she went to place our order, still unable to wipe the smile from my face. My mind flashed back to our kiss, god it was hot. I closed my eyes reliving it over and over in my head when the buzzing of my phone stole my attention alway.
I looked down at the screen as I saw his name flash up.
"I take it that's from him" Natalie smirked as she gestured towards my phone and set my chocolate milkshake down in front of me.
I felt my cheeks flush and I opened the message.

I meant what I said today. I want to do things properly this time. How about I take you out on a date tomorrow night? x

My eyes scanned the screen, reading the words over and over. A date. He wanted to take me on a date, we'd never had a real date before. This was definitely a positive step.
"He wants to take me on a date" I smiled at Natalie.
"Well he'd be crazy not to" she exclaimed returning my smile. "You know what this means?" She screeched excitedly "shopping"
I rolled my eyes at her, shopping was her answer to everything. But this time maybe she was right, it was a fresh start after all. A new me.

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