Chapter nineteen - The aftermath

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I heard muffled voices, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I could have sworn one of them was Chase. Was he inside my head, had he heard my plea for help? I tried to open my eyes whilst willing my body to move when I was suddenly reminded of the throbbing pain in my head and arm. I had to get up, I had to get out of here away from Mike. I felt his hands on me, stroking my face, wiping my tears. I needed to get him off me, I couldn't bear the thought of him touching me anymore. I cried out praying Chase would hear me and come and save me from this torture before it was too late.

"Lex baby I'm here, Shhh you're safe I've got you" his voice soothed me even though I knew it was inside my head.

"Open your eyes sweetheart"

Was that my mum, what was she doing here, why could I hear her inside my head. Was I dreaming?

I felt Mike's hand brush away the hair from my forehead and my body squirmed in disgust.

"LEX COME BACK TO ME" I heard him loud and clear and my eyes snapped open as tears rolled down my cheeks. My eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room as I took in my surroundings. I took a few seconds to gain focus then I saw him.

"Chase?" I breathed out in relief as I saw the hand that had been on my face belonged to him. His eyes were bloodshot and had dark circles around them. I involuntarily lifted my good hand to reach out to him to check he was real.

"I'm real baby" he said as he nuzzled into my palm and let out a sigh of relief.

"You really had us worried for a minute their sweetheart" my mother spoke softly from the other side of the bed. I looked around confused not understanding where I was.

"You're in hospital darling, you took quite the bang to your head" she shot me a concerned look and something told me she was trying to sugar coat the situation for me.

Chase gave my hand a gentle squeeze and I returned my gaze to him and offered him a weak smile.

"How did I get here?" I looked between them feeling confused. I felt a wave of panic overcome me. Had Mike got what he wanted, did he

"Shhh...Don't worry about anything. You need to rest"

I winced at the pain I was suddenly aware of in my shoulder and let out a hiss as I tried to sit up.

"You dislocated your shoulder Alex, and the doctor says you have a fractured wrist"

My mum explained noting my pained expression. "I'll go and tell the doctors you're awake" she stood from her seat and planted a kiss on top of my head before leaving the room.

"Did he.... did he- "

"No. I got to you before he could get that far" Chase cut me off already knowing what I was going to ask. I couldn't help a small sob escaping my mouth as the tears began to flow.

"I was so scared; he was going to touch me" I closed my eyes reliving the painful memory before realising he was probably seeing it too. When I opened them again, I saw his face was broken, his eyes were full of pain as fresh tears pricked them.

"I'm so sorry baby, I got there as fast as I could I swear. I am so sorry this happened to you. I'll never forgive myself" he was holding my hand in both of his as he reached down to kiss my scratched knuckles.

"This wasn't your fault Chase" I pleaded with him, but I could see him falling apart right in front of me. I had to do something.

"Chase look at me, please" I begged as he slowly lifted his head and met my gaze.

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