Chapter Sixty six - Maybe dreams do come true

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"LEX..." I shouted waking me from my dream. I sat bolt upright on the sofa, sweat was dripping down my face, my body was hot. That was some fucking dream.

"Chase man what the hell, did something happen" a bleary eyed Nate asked as he appeared in the doorway. Shit I must have woken him.

"Sorry it was just a dream" I mumbled feeling slightly embarrassed that I'd just had a full on wet dream about the girl we both loved. He eyed me suspiciously clearly noting how flushed I looked.

"Must have been some dream, you look rather....flushed" he finished with a smirk.

"Fuck off Nate" I snapped as I reached for the bottle of water on the table.

"Umm Chase, this dream I take it Alex was were umm together..."

I just glared at him in response. I shouldn't have even been thinking about Alex in that way. I needed to stay away from her for her own safety.

"Are you sure it was a dream?" He questioned

I shot him a confused look "what the fuck are you on about, of course it was a fucking dream. What you think I've got her hidden in this room somewhere!" I retorted feeling slightly exasperated.

"Then how do you explain those scratches on your arms?" He deadpanned.

My eyes fell to my right left arm and sure enough there were scratch marks all the way up it. I glanced over and saw the same on my right arm.

"What the fuck" I whispered feeling the confusion set it.


I'd arranged to meet Alex at the coffee shop, I knew she was going to be pissed that I didn't bring Chase with me but after last nights dream he was completely freaked out. I'd just dropped him off at home where he was meeting up with Chloe. Part of me was glad he had a friend right now, things were still a bit weird between us and although I was starting to realise he wasn't in control of his emotions when he hurt Alex I just don't know if I was ready to fully forgive him for it yet even if she was.

I pulled up and headed inside to be met with her hopeful eyes smiling up at me from a table in the corner. Her smile dropped slightly when she noticed I was alone.

"He isn't coming" she stated more than asked. I sat down and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Sorry Lex, he's not ready" she nodded and took a sip of her drink. I picked up one of the two steaming mugs that she'd clearly ordered for me and Chase.

"Something happened last night, back at mine" I started cautiously. Her eyes were instantly on mine

"What? Is everything okay? He didn't leave did he? Are you okay?"

"Calm down baby, everyone is fine...but Chase, well he had a was pretty vivid"

She looked away and I saw a blush creep up on her face. A quick flash of her memories filling my head told me that she had the exact same dream.

"It wasn't a dream..." she mumbled to herself in confusion. Her eyes snapped back at me "he was in my room"

"It would seem so, although I can assure you he was one hundred percent asleep on my sofa"

She wrinkled her nose "that doesn't make sense"

"Lex remember you saw him in the car, that turned out to be real"

"What so you think that this is some sort of freaky ass astral projection shit again" she shot back clearly not believing it. "We've had dreams like this before, it doesn't mean they are real. It's just our minds reaching out to each other. Emotions were high last night it's hardly surprising" she finished as she took another sip of her coffee.

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