Chapter forty five - Honesty is the best policy

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I led there stroking my fingers up and down her bare back as she slept curled up in my arms. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world right now. The memories of the night before flashed through my mind, it was so perfect. When I finally got her up to her room she expected me to get carried away like we normally do but not this time. This time was different, I wanted to worship her and show her how much she meant to me, and that's exactly what I did. We made love and for the first time ever it wasn't rushed or desperate. It wasn't animalistic, it was tender, slow and just perfect. That's what I'd felt anyway, I hope she felt the same.

"It was perfect" she murmured next to me and she snuggled in closer.

"You're awake?" I questioned as I looked down to see her eyes flutter open.

"You're thoughts were pretty loud, not that I'm complaining....I quite enjoyed the wake up call" she smirked as she pulled me in for a kiss. I could feel myself instantly harden from her touch. What did this girl do to me. I rolled on top of her deepening our kiss before pulling away.

"What's the matter" 

"I thought I heard something, is your mum due home this morning?" I asked puzzled 

"No she's not due back until tonight, I didn't hear anything, come back and kiss me" she pulled me back down to her lips. Who was I to deny her. Once again I lost myself in the moment and let the familiar tingles and loss of control take over.

We were both too distracted to hear the footsteps coming up the stairs or the opening of her bedroom door...

"ALEX!!!......oh my god!" Natalie screeched as she barged into the room with Lucas right behind her. 

"Natalie!" Alex screamed back whilst pulling the covers up to hide her modesty. "Get out" she screeched before lying back down and pulling a pillow over her face to hide her embarrassment.

I couldn't help but see the funny side.

"I'm glad someone finds this funny" she scowled at me as she sat up in bed pulling the covers tightly around her.

"I told you I heard something" I smirked back before getting up and retrieving my boxers and jeans. I grabbed some clothes from the dresser and chucked them her way so she could get dressed as I searched the floor for my t shirt.

"I guess we should probably go downstairs and face the music shouldn't we" she sighed

"Yeah I guess, and I'm pretty sure my t shirt is down there" I offered her a cheeky smile as she quickly dressed before we ventured downstairs together.

The first thing I notice was the broken picture frame on the stairs, oops guess we had some tidying up to do. I spotted my t shirt flung over the banister and grabbed it on the way down. I was pulling it over my head as we walked into the living room to find Lucas and Natalie sat looking rather sheepish on the sofa.

"Nat, I didn't know you were coming over" Alex mumbled, her cheeks still bright red.

"I tried to call you last night but you didn't answer, then again this morning. When you didn't answer the door I looked through the window and saw what looked like evidence of a struggle so we used the spare key. I thought something had happened to you" 

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as I caught Lucas's eye

"I guess something did" he spoke for the first time with a big grin on his face.

"Luc" Natalie elbowed him in the side

"Err...sorry" he grumbled with a slight smirk

"I'm fine Natalie, I just err....knocked a couple of things over that's all"

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