Chapter fourteen - undercover lover

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"Are you sure, I mean I know you think you love him but maybe- "

"Natalie, I love him" I cut her off before she could finish. The more I said it out loud the more I knew it was true, I closed my mind and saw a flash of memories. Me and Chase in the store cupboard, the creek, the shower, talking outside on my porch. My brain was confirming it for me as I smiled at the distant happy memories.

"But you're not together" Natalie's words snapped me out of my daydream leaving me feeling slightly empty inside.

"No, and that's not going to change but I can't help how I feel about him. Nat I literally cannot stop thinking about him"

She shot me a sympathetic look as I let out a long sigh.

"Well how about a little distraction to help you get over him, the guys are headed to a party tomorrow night. How about we join them and see if we can find you a new Prince Charming?" She asked with a grin.

I playfully threw a pillow at her giggling. "I'm not looking for a new Prince Charming"

"Well maybe just someone to take your mind off things. I'm sure josh would help you out with that" she said with a raised brow

"Natalie!" I covered my face feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment

"What! he would! Besides, I'm not taking no for an answer...about the party anyway, I'll be your date for the night if you'd rather steer clear of guys"

I knew better than to argue with her, she knew she'd wear me down eventually.

"Fine I'll go" I said throwing my hands in the air

"Ahhh amazing" she squealed running towards my closet "let's pick out your outfit"

I rolled my eyes in protest, but my attention was pulled away from my best friend as I heard raised voices downstairs.

"Who's that?" Natalie asked looking puzzled as I moved towards the door.

"I said you are not coming in here young man; I don't care what's so important, but you are not seeing my daughter after everything you've put her through"

My mums voice was high pitched and angry, it reminded me of how she would scream at me through my door to get up in the mornings. I reached for the door handle, but my hand froze as I heard him speak.

"Mrs Morgan, I need to speak to her please, I'm begging you. I just need five minutes, if she doesn't want to see me, I'll go, and you'll never hear from me again I swear"

Without realising I had opened the door and was headed to the top of the stairs. I could see my mum with her arm across the open doorway refusing to let him in. He had his head down, one hand holding the door open to stop her slamming it in his face. I silently made my way down the first few steps before he looked up.

As soon as our eyes met, I wanted to run to him, but my body stayed frozen on the spot I was stood on the stairs. I surveyed his face, he looked upset. His hair was messier than usual, and his eyes looked puffy as if he had been crying.

"Lex" he breathed my name and it was as if all the air had left my lungs, I couldn't speak as I stood there still frozen on the spot.

My mum turned around in horror to see me stood there unable to move, unable to take my eyes off him.

"Alexandra go back upstairs" she begged but her words were drowned out. All I could see was him, all I could think about was him.

Natalie appeared at my side shaking my arm and pulling me out of my trance.

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