Chapter fifty nine - Who said threes a crowd

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I watched a small crowd gathering on the beach and I stood to see what all the commotion was about. I stood frozen as I looked on to see Alex and Nate full on making out in front of everyone. It was like the world around them didn't exist as they desperately clung on to one another. I pang of jealousy washed over me momentarily but it passed as quick as it came and turned into something else, a feeling a recognised but didn't expect to feel right now . She was happy, this was what she wanted and what I wanted more than anything was for her to be happy. I kept my gaze fixed on them as a couple of guys stood near me whispered not too quietly.

"Isn't she with Matthews? What a slut"

Their words filled me with anger and I balled my fists ready to fight when I saw Natalie approach them and they broke apart from their kiss and looked my way. I guess there was no going back now. They released each other from their embrace and headed towards me. I shot the guys across from me a death glare

"You better get lost before I do something I might regret" I spat through gritted teeth as they looked on in shock clearly not realising I had been standing next to them. I returned my attention to Alex and Nate who had almost made their way up the beach towards me, his hand holding hers by his side. They stopped just in front of me, he kept hold of her hand.

"Wanna get out of here?" I asked them

"Hell yeah, I've had enough drama for one day" Nate exclaimed shooting a glance over his shoulder. I looked at Alex and she offered a quiet nod.

"Come on the, let's go" I rested an arm over her shoulder and we walked off with Alex in the middle, one hand holding Nate's and one arm snaked around my back. I could only imagine what people were thinking but right now I didn't care. Maybe we could make this work.


I drove us in silence for a while before I felt Alex's hand on my leg.
"Chase are you okay?" She asked nervously.
"I'm fine babe, just needed to get out of there before I did something I'd regret" I talked through clenched teeth.
"Chase man if you want to drop me off so you and Alex can talk..." he trailed off.
"You guys have got it all wrong. I'm not mad at either of you, just some stupid guys and their big mouths. I should have shut them up for them" I spat.
Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me
"So you're not mad about the kiss? She asked cautiously.
"No Lex I'm not mad about the kiss, I've been telling you for what feels like weeks or months now to listen to your feelings and stop fighting them. It was kind of refreshing to see you doing that for a change" I admitted as I turned a corner and pulled into the creek. "Come on the three of us need to talk, I thought it would be more private here"
We exited the car and walked silently down the path towards the opening of the creek. We stood in a triangle looking at each other before Alex broke the silence.
"Chase we didn't mean for that to happen earlier, I didn't mean for it to be so in your face" Alex began to explain? I raised my hand gesturing her to stop.

"Lex I already told you it's fine. I was surprisingly okay with it"

"Really?" They both asked in unison

"Yeah, I felt a split second of jealousy but I don't know....I saw how much you wanted it Lex and it kind of made me feel okay. I felt..." I trailed off not knowing how to get the words out

"You were turned on by watching me make out with your girlfriend?" Nate finished the sentence for me with a look of utter confusion on his face.

"Hey I don't understand it either, until I saw you together, saw how happy she was, how turned on she was. I don't know it just felt right" I admitted. Alex's eyes stayed on me as she took a step closer.

"Chase I don't know what to say...I guess I expected it to be harder than this"

"Well I guess we were wrong" I shrugged

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