Chapter Thirty six - Broken

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How could I let myself get caught up like that again, a part of me knew I was just filling a void but that wasn't fair on anyone and i certainly didn't want to be jumping into anything romantic right now. I just needed time to myself and when I Nate gets here for our homework date I'd set him straight. Not date, Alex this is not a date, it's a homework's Uh it's nothing that's what it is. I thought to myself as I sat in the coffee shop where we'd text earlier and agreed to meet.

Every time the bell above the door rung my attention locked onto it as if I couldn't wait for his arrival. I needed to chill. I grabbed up my coffee and took a sip as I willed myself to relax. I felt a warm tap on my shoulder and looked up to see him smiling down at me.

"Sorry I'm late, got caught behind in my final class" he offered his apology as he eyed my half drunk coffee.

"I'll go and order you another, latte is it?"

"Umm yeah please, and a shot of caramel" I added shyly

"Aww surely your sweet enough princess" he said it with a jokey wink that I couldn't help but smile at. It's funny how yesterday or even this morning I would have been infuriated by him calling me that but now I felt a little flutter at the pet name. Pull yourself together Alex.

He returned with our drinks and pulled out his English book, where we spent the next hour pouring over notes and ideas for our assignment.

"Great well I think we've got this thing under control, although we should probably get together this weekend to finish things off" he asked as I stared at him in a daydream

"Earth to Alex, anyone in there" he joked as he nudged my knee with his hand from under the table. My body felt instantly clammy and I snapped my attention back to him.

"Sorry, away with the fairies I guess, probably too much coffee" I replied, noticing he hadn't moved his hand from my knee.

"Anything you want to talk about" he purred softly in a way that made my stomach do somersaults. I felt my cheeks heat up and broke eye contact as I looked down into my empty coffee cup.

"Do I make you feel nervous" he asked with a hint of intrigue to his voice. I squirmed slightly in my chair.

"No,'s just...I" I stuttered unable to find the words. He removed his hand from my knee and I felt a pant of disappointment wash over me. Could he tell. I hope not.

"Come on let's get some fresh air, I think it's getting a bit stuffy in here" he announced as he stood from his seat and gathered up our books. We walked silently outside and rounded the corner towards our parked cars before he stopped to hand me my books.

"Here don't forget these"

"Thanks" I blushed again. Why couldn't I stop blushing. I caught his eye and held his gaze for a moment. Then he reached his hand out to my cheek again and those familiar sparks hit me once more. I involuntarily moved my burning cheek against his hand as he brushed the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Alex" was all he whispered before I was taken over by some unknown force. I dropped my bags, letting my books fall to the floor and hooked my arms around his neck pulling his face down to meet mine. One last glance at those piercing green eyes was all I needed before I pulled his lips down to mine and lost myself in a heated kiss. I'd caught him off guard but it didn't take long for him to wrap his arms around me and return my kiss with heated passion, our lips crashing together desperately trying to taste each other. He spun us around so my back rested against the brick wall of the coffee shop, his hands exploring my waist as I gripped mine into his hair giving it a slight tug. "Lex" he breathed. My blood ran cold at hearing the name and I pushed him off me.

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