Chapter twenty eight - Pleasure in pain

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I glanced up at the trees above as I tried to catch my breath. That had been pretty intense and I hadn't been expecting it at all. Part of me knew it was probably a bad idea, we couldn't just forget all our problems and screw each other to make the pain go away. But the other part of me was relieved that we still had this power over each other. That we still connected on a way I never thought possible. I turned to the side to see Alex watching me intently. Her chest rising and falling at a quickened pace as she regained her normal breathing.
"That was amazing" she smiled at me as her cheeks flushed red. She was right. It had been amazing. My gaze drifted down her body and I took note of her grass stained dress that seemed to be missing a couple of buttons.
She followed my gaze and let out a small chuckle.
"Sorry about the dress" I chuckled back at her as she moved her arms pushing herself up into a sitting position. I saw her wince and a quick flash of pain shot across her face before her smile returned as she looked over at me.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" My voice was full of concern.
"I'm fine, just not the softest of ground" she glanced at the grass and let out a soft laugh. I pulled myself up and straightened out my clothes before reaching a hand out to help her up. I saw her smile falter momentarily as she straightened herself up and shot her another worried look.
"I'm fine" she rolled her eyes at me again "just a little stiff from the hard ground that's all, nothing a warm shower won't fix" she gave my hand a gentle squeeze before leaning in for a kiss.
"How about you take me home so I can grab that shower, and maybe a change of clothes" she looked down to her grass stained dress. "Then how about we eat that picnic of yours at my place with a movie"
She smiled at me so sweetly. Who was I to deny her this. Besides maybe we could turn this into the date I'd promised her all along.
"Exactly my thoughts mr Matthews" she smirked before brushing some dirt from her arm.

The drive back was much more relaxed than than before. She made small talk about her week at school and reeled off some movie ideas for the evening. I looked over at her smiling face as she spoke. God she was beautiful.
She looked right at me as if she'd heard what I'd just thought. Hell she probably had before tucking a lose hair behind her ear and carrying on her conversation.

As I pulled up into her drive I was relieved her mum wasn't home to see the state I'd gotten her in. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to see I'd just ravaged her in the woods. I was snapped from my thoughts by the sound of laugher.
"For Christ sake Chase I'll go take a shower, no one will ever know the despicable things you do to me" she smirked at me playfully.
I followed her inside as she led the way to her room. I placed the hamper on her dressing table and sat down on the bed.
"I'll be quick, promise" she smiled over her shoulder as she walked to her bathroom and pushed the door to behind her leaving it slightly ajar. I heard the sound of the shower start up and could see the steam begin to fill the room through the slight crack in the door. Had she left this open on purpose? Probably, I thought to myself.
I rose up from the bed and walked over to the door, stopping just outside and listening.

What are you waiting for

I pushed the door open to see her stood there, her dress fully open before she slipped it off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor.
"Maybe you could help me with this" she nodded towards her bra. I took a step closer, placing my hands on her sides and spinning her around to allow me access.
I froze at the sight before me as my eyes took in the deep purple bruise that had formed on her lower back.
"Lex I'm so sorry" I whispered before spinning her back to face me. She shot me a confused look.
"Sorry? What for?" She questioned confused by my sudden outburst. I spun her around so her back was to the mirror and leaned forward to wipe the steam that had clouded it.
"Look Lex, look at your back. I did this to you" I exclaimed horrified as my eyes fell to the bruise once more.
She glanced over her shoulder into the mirror and eyed the purple markings on her back before returning her gaze to me.
"Chase I'm fine, honestly" her voice pleaded with me.
"But your not though are you? Look at you, look at what I did" I stepped away from her hating myself for hurting her. For marking her in that way.
"I asked you to. I wanted you like that. This is just as much my fault as it is yours. Please don't look at me like that, like I'm broken. I'm not. I'm fine Chase" she pleaded with me taking a step closer and closing the space between us.

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