Chapter six - Secrets and lies

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I'd spent the last four hours telling my friend about the details of the past few days while we stuffed our faces with pizza. Being careful to leave out the small detail of hearing each other's thoughts but trying my best to explain the undeniable chemistry I felt when I was near him. Chase Matthews had crashed into my life at a time I didn't even know I needed him but now that he was in it, I knew I could never let him go. Natalie had seemed to really understand how I'd been feeling, she thinks that maybe some part of me knew deep down that me and Josh weren't meant to be and that's why I'd saved myself for someone who I really felt a connection with. I don't know if she was right but I knew I was glad my first time had been with Chase, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that Josh wouldn't of been able to make me feel the things I felt with Chase. Of course, I still felt guilty for cheating on him and for letting him find out the way he did. Hopefully in time he will hear me out and try to understand but I knew it was too soon to ask for him to do that just yet.

"I better get home, it's almost 9 and I promised my mum I'd be home early" Natalie said standing up from the floor. We'd decided against sitting on the sofa and I promised her I'd have the cushion covers washed before her next visit after she forced an explanation as to why my panties were on the living room floor.

As soon as we'd said our goodbyes, I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and dialled Chase's number. After a few rings it clicked over to his voicemail. I checked the time, it was only 8.45 there's no way he'd be asleep this early, especially after our extended nap the day before. I tried him once more but got his voicemail for a second time. I decided to send him a text instead, I'd never been a fan of leaving voice messages. I typed out a text telling him the coast was clear and to head on over before making my way to the kitchen to clear away the pizza boxes and make sure everything was tidied away ready for my mums return tomorrow night. I spied my phone buzzing on the kitchen counter and snatched it up to find a text from Natalie saying she was home safe and thanking me for a fun filled evening of girl talk. I couldn't help but feel disappointment that the text wasn't from Chase. I debated calling him one last time but thought better of it and decided to head up for a shower instead.

I tried to take my time as to distract myself for longer, but I could feel myself rushing through my usual shower routine. In no time I was standing in my bedroom, hair wrapped up in a towel checking my phone for a response from Chase. Nothing. I towel dried my hair and let it fall down creating damp patches on my pyjama top before pulling my fluffy robe around myself for extra warmth. It was too early to go to bed, so I decided to put on some tv to distract myself from the fact that my...I don't even know what he was, boyfriend maybe. We'd not had the conversation but it's kind of felt like we were becoming a couple. But anyway, it felt like he was ignoring me. I grabbed my phone and decided to set my alarm for school tomorrow, I wasn't going to be caught missing another day and I wanted to be sure to be up early enough so I could look my best for when my mum came home. If she thought, I'd been sleeping in and skipping school then she wouldn't trust me to be left on my own again any time soon. I placed my phone back on my bedside table making sure to turn the volume up, so I didn't miss the sound of a text or call from Chase. Maybe he wouldn't call, he might just show up. I tried to distract my mind with the latest re-runs of friends and soon lost track of time.

I woke up with the sunlight beaming down onto my face, realising I must have fallen asleep and left my blinds open. I frowned and grabbed out for my phone, it was 5.50 and my alarm was due to go off in ten minutes, I checked my messages in case I'd missed one from Chase last night. Nothing. I pulled myself upright and groaned at the pain in my neck. I must have slept on it funny. I guess falling asleep watching tv will do that to you. I glanced at the screen and noticed it was off, I don't remember turning it off, but I must of. Either that or it timed out and shut itself off. I dragged myself out of bed and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Was Natalie right about what she said yesterday, did I have a glow about me? I couldn't tell. I felt too groggy to focus properly. I needed two things, a shower and a coffee.

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