Chapter sixty one - Race to the end

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I woke up feeling cold and alone. I looked around my room, my eyes falling to the empty space beside me on the bed. I jumped up and ran over to the window. Nate's car was gone. Shit.

I grabbed my phone and dialled his number, it went straight to voicemail. Shit shit shit. I scrolled through my contacts and hovered over Chase's number feeling my stomach lurch as I hesitated. I couldn't do it. I scrolled down to Natalie and hit call.

"Hey I wasn't expecting to speak to you tonight, thought you'd be busy with the boys after the little display you put on at the be-"

"Natalie I need you to come and get me" I cut her off in a panic

"Alex is everything okay? You sound weird" she asked confusion evident in her tone

"No it's not okay, I need you to come and get me. I have to go and find them. Can you bring Lucas, we might need some help"

"Wow, Al calm down. What's happened? Where are you?"

"I'm at home, I'm fine. I just need to find Nate and Chase" I asked exasperated. I could hear her mumble something at the end of the line

"We're on our way. Sit tight, we'll be there in ten"

"Okay, I'll be ready to go. Thank you Nat" I breathed a sigh of relief as I ended the call. I frantically ran around my room and chucked on a pair of jeans and t shirt before dialling Nate's number again. Voicemail again.

I raced downstairs and scribbled a quick note for mum saying I was out with Natalie. Not exactly a lie and grabbed whilst heading outside to wait for them.

A couple of minutes later Lucas pulled up onto the drive. Natalie jumped out as I headed towards her.
"Al what's happened you look a mess"

"I don't have time to explain. I need to find them" tears filled my eyes and she seemed to understand. "Okay let's go, come on get in"

Lucas eyed me sympathetically as I got in, his gaze moving to Natalie who gave a small shrug.

"So errrm...where are we going" Lucas asked sheepishly

"Do you know where they are Alex?" Natalie asked and she turned to face me from the front seat.

I shook my head "Nate's going to kill him" I sobbed as I frantically tried to wipe my tears.

"Who Chase?" She asked confused

I nodded "he went to find him" I sobbed

"Okay, we'll where would Chase go?"

I gasped as I met her eyes "the creek, Chase would go to the creek"


I stood looking out at the water wishing I could turn back the clock and take everything back. I don't know what had come over me but I'd lost all control and I had hurt the one person I loved the most. I hated myself for what I'd done.

"Thought I'd find you here" Nate's voice came out of the darkness as I watched him approach from the darkness of the trees.

"Nate, how is she is she" I stammered

"YOU DON'T GET TO ASK HOW SHE IS, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK SHE FEELS RIGHT NOW!" His voice boomed. He was shaking with rage and I didn't blame him, I'd feel the exact same.

"I'm sorry" was all I could say as tears streamed down my face. He raced towards me eyes full of hate.

"Your sorry, you think that makes it okay?" He pulled back his arm and I braced myself for the impact. As his fist connected with my jaw I felt the pain radiate through me. The metallic taste of blood filled me mouth but I didn't move. I stayed still so he could hit me again and again just like I deserved.

"You fucking piece of shit" he screamed as he hit me again, the force knocking me on my back.

I heard the faint sound of a car in the distance but my head was cloudy so I couldn't be sure. I didn't have time to think about it as I felt the impact of his foot connect with my stomach.

"Aaahhh" I couldn't help but let out a scream

"Did she scream like that....DID SHE???"

"Nate stop" Lex it was Lex she was here

"Lucas get him off of him" I heard Natalie's voice


"Come on Nate that's enough" Lucas pulled him off of me, I could see Natalie stood with Alex a few feet away. My eyes searched for hers but I couldn't focus.

"Alex what the fuck happened with you guys" Natalie questioned whilst looking down at me

"He fucking happened that's what" Nate spat as he twisted out of Lucas's grasp and lunged towards me again.

"NO...STOP" Alex's voice was loud, I opened my eyes and saw she was crouched bedside me. "If you hurt him you hurt me" she cried.

"Lex after everything he did to you" Nate asked heartbroken

"I think we've had enough pain for one day, please Nate, I can't take anymore" she pleaded with him. He looked at her and then over at me, before turning and walking back towards Lucas and Natalie.

"Lex I'm so sorry" I spoke as I reached for her hand. She snatched it away from me.

"Goodbye Chase" she looked at me with an ice cold stare as she spoke the words I think I felt my heart physically break. This was it. This was the end for us.

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