Chapter fifty eight - Beach heat

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I looked in the mirror for the millionth time and surveyed my outfit for the evening. I had finally opted for my denim shorts on top of my red bikini with a loose cardigan.

"Oh my god Alex how many times do I have to tell you, you look hot. Now can we get to the beach already" Natalie pleaded with me from my bed where she sat waiting for me to get ready for the end of summer beach barbecue. I turned to her and offered an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Nat, I think I'm ready. Just need to grab my bag"

"The boys will think we've died up here at this rate" she huffed as she sprang up from the bed and took a glance at her reflection in the mirror behind me. "Come on girl, it's now or never"

I turned and looked at my reflection again with a slight frown on my face.

"Alex babe you look smoking hot, what is the issue?" She asked, concern filling her voice.

"It's not my's just" I stopped myself from finishing too embarrassed to keep bringing it up.

"Nate can't dodge you forever babe, he'll be there tonight and you can finally talk to him and sort all this drama out" she spoke matter of factly as if it were that simple.

"He's definitely coming?" I asked

"That's what he told Lucas. Now come on, the guys are waiting"

We made our way downstairs to find a very bored looking Lucas and Chase sat on the sofa. Their eyes grew wide as they took in the sight of us in our beachwear.

"Well that was worth the wait" Lucas smirked as he pulled Natalie in for a kiss. Chase eyed me with a dark look in his eyes.

Not sure I want to let you out looking like that babe, maybe we should give this beach thing a miss and spend the evening in bed instead.

He raised his brow with a smirk as his words echoed in my head.

"everyone ready to go?" I asked cheerily with a slight blush to my cheeks.


We'd been at the beach for just over an hour and there was still no sign of Nate. Maybe he changed his mind and decided not to come I thought to myself.

"He's down the beach a bit playing volleyball"

I looked around to see Chase behind me his face unreadable.

"Chase, I didn't realise you were there" I admitted, embarrassed he'd caught me thinking about Nate.

"Lex, I know you're going to think about him. Why don't you do us both a favour and go and see him. You're not going to stop thinking about it otherwise"

I let out a sigh and looked down the beach where I could see a volleyball match taking place in the distance.

"What if he won't talk to me" I sighed defeatedly

"Well then I guess it's time you start thinking about making a choice" his voice dropped slightly and I turned to look at him, my eyes searching his face. I shook my head at him

"That's not even an option Chase" I pulled him into me and relaxed as his strong warm arms wrapped themselves around me. "I can't lose you Chase, I can't lose either of you" I fought back tears as I spoke.

"Baby you're not going to lose me, not unless you tell me to go" he pulled me in for a kiss and I let the sensation flow through my body. God I'd never get bored of this, there was no way I'd ever be able to give him up. That just wasn't an option.

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