Chapter forty nine - Brotherly love

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I'd been waiting for him for almost an hour and he still hadn't shown up. I glanced at my phone, no messages to say he had changed him mind. Maybe he was just messing with me when he said he'd meet me.

Just then I noticed a car pull up and Nate stepped out. It was starting to get dark but I'd recognise that jack ass a mile off. He walked over towards me stopping before we got too close.

"I didn't think you were coming" I huffed as I shot him an unimpressed look. A smirk formed across his smug little face.

"Sorry, I got caught up with something....well someone" 

He was baiting me. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of asking who he'd been caught up with. I had a pretty good idea who it might of been.

"Alex stopped by, she caught me by surprise a little. Time just got away from us, sorry if I've kept you waiting" he shot me another smug smile. This guy was seriously asking to be punched in the face. I had a feeling she would want to talk to him after everything had happened. I just hoped she would have given me a heads up first so I didn't have to hear it from this jerk.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about"

"What, want to warn me to stay away from her?" He chuckled 

"No" I spat back through gritted teeth

"Then what then" he asked with a puzzled look

"I know about your....yours and Alex's connection. I know she feels something for you"

He looked at me dumbstruck, clearly wasn't expecting me to be in the know about his and Alex's little situation. I smiled back at him feeling happy that I had caught him off guard. He probably thought she'd been running off behind my back, thinking I was in the dark. He was wrong. 

"Listen, this isn't an ideal situation for anyone but the only thing I care about is Alex. I won't lose her again"

"Ah so you do want me to stay away from her then" 

"That's not what I'm saying. She can't control how she feels about me....or you"

"I'm starting to see that"

"She's lying to herself thinking she can just pretend there isn't something between the two of you. It's going to torture her"

"What exactly are you saying Chase?"

"I'm saying she needs us both"

He stood staring at me open mouthed clearly in shock 

"That's fucked up man" he turned to start walking away

"Nate wait, listen to me. She isn't going to be able to shut off her feelings for you. I should know that, the two of us have been through enough and look at us. We can't stay away from each other. If what she feels for you is even half as strong as what she feels for me then it's going to be unbearable for her"

"So what your answer is to pimp out your fucking girlfriend, you want us to have a fucking threesome or something. That's fucked up man"

"I'm not pimping her out and I don't want a fucking threesome. That's not what I mean"

"Then please enlighten me because this all sounds pretty messed up"

"She needs you in her life. I don't know what that looks like right now, only she knows that. Whether it's as a friend or more than that. She's attracted to you that much I do know, at some point she's going to lose her control and stop being able to fight it and I don't want her to kill herself with guilt when that happens"

"So you're okay with your girl being attracted to your brother"

"Fucking listen to what I'm saying Nate. This isn't about you or me, this is about Alex and she needs and if she needs both of us then that's something I'm willing to give her. Don't get me wrong this doesn't change things between me and you and I certainly won't be third wheeling your time together if that what she decides she wants. But I'm also not going to stand in your way"

"Your serious about this aren't you?"

"Serious as a heart attack. I saw what being without me did to her, I couldn't let her feel that again. I'm not going anywhere but I won't stand in her way if she admits to herself that she wants you too"

"Maybe I was wrong about you after all, guess you can out other people first"

"Let's get one thing straight though Nate. We might be related by blood but you're not my brother and this doesn't change a single fucking thing between us you understand me"


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