Chapter seventy - The final choice

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I was sat in my room trying my best to distract myself from everything that had gone on lately when I was hit with this sudden feeling of dread. It was as if something deep in the pit of my stomach felt sick, like it knew something bad was about to happen. I glanced at my phone, it was almost 9am, maybe I should give Nate a call...or maybe Chase. I sat pondering the decision when the noise of a car pulling up on the drive drew my attention. I stood and looked out of my bedroom window. It was Chase's car, but he wasn't alone. I watched as him and Nate sat inside talking to each other with a serious look on their faces. What was going on.

As soon as the thought left my head two sets of green eyes were on me as they both met my gaze and slowly got out of the car. I walked away from the window and headed down the stairs to let them in. Something was definitely not right with this scenario. 

"Hey is everything okay? I wasn't expecting you" I asked as I opened the door to Nate, my gaze falling on Chase who was stood leaning against his car door. Nate shot me a grave look.

"I think we better talk about this inside" he replied flatly as he brushed passed me and headed to the kitchen. I remained at the door studying Chase as he finally looked up and met my gaze again. His eyes looked red and heavy, his usual sparkle had been lost a while ago and I hated seeing him like this. We stood for a split second just looking at each other and the pit in my stomach seemed to be working on overdrive. I knew what this meant. He was here to end things, he was leaving. 

He walked passed me and I grabbed out at his hand before he could get passed. He stood frozen on the spot but didn't turn to look at me again, he was just silent.

Please don't do this

I begged in my head to him. I felt him stiffen before removing his hand and following Nate into the kitchen. I let out a deep breath and shut the door. This was it, this was the end.

"Lex hear us out, please baby"

Nate spoke as I stood in the doorway to the kitchen unable to look at either one of them. This couldn't be happening not after everything we'd been through. Not after almost losing Chase, the pain the heartache...

"That's exactly why it needs to happen" Chase's words cut into me like a knife. This is what he wanted, he really wants this to be the end.

"Yes I do, I'm sorry...I just can't do this, I can't keep feeling like this and I can't put you at risk"

I couldn't look at him, how could he throw everything we had away. Didn't he love me anymore, was I not enough.

"Alex please" he pleaded with me, his eyes full of sorrow.

"Don't call me Alex!!!" I screamed at him forcing him into silence, I glanced at Nate who was stood at the breakfast bar in silence. "Is this what you think we should do" I snapped at him in frustration.

"Lex I honestly don't even know anymore. But I agree with Chase me and him, we can't continue to share you like we are. It's not working"

"But we've hardly tried, we can make it work I know we can. I don't want to lose either of you" I pleaded as my eyes searched between them. Nate looked full of anguish but Chase was like a brick wall. I couldn't read him. "Chase please, we have to try, we haven't tried properly it's not fair to-"

"It's not fair for two brothers to share the same girl Alex. Did you think of that. Nate is my brother and if I ever expect to have any sort of relationship with him then this has to stop. The three of us won't work" 

His words made my blood run cold as I processed what he had said. Had he felt like this all along, this whole sharing thing was his idea and now he had changed his mind after I'd fallen in love with both of them. They were pulling the rug out from under me.

"Baby he's right, in the long run we need to think of the impact this will have on us. I came to this town out of vengeance but I've got to know Chase a bit and he's right, if we ever want some sort of brotherly relationship we can't both be with you. It just wouldn't work, we never meant for this to hurt you. We both thought we'd be able to make this work when we started out"

Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I began to lose control of my emotions "I don't want to lose you" I cried at them. Nate's arms were around me instantly as he took my hands helping ground my emotional outburst. 

"You're only losing one of us baby, but you have to make the choice. Only you can choose" he squeezed my hands as he spoke.

How was I going to chose. It was impossible to when I loved them both.

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