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First thing's first, we see a throwback to Chris Argent as a teenager as he begins to explain his past experience with the Oni.

Scott points out how the Oni only went after the werewolves and Lydia, the ones with connections to the supernatural.

We see the bloodbath that was Chris's past with the Oni, and how the Oni killed the leader of the Yakuzas by impaling him multiple times.

Chris tells the teens to find a man who goes by Silverfinger, as he shows them the broken Oni mask he owns and the credits roll.

Kira sneaks into her room and remembers Scott showing her his alpha face after they rode his bike, and then we see Scott and the twins heading to school on their bikes. Scott asks them if they're gonna be doing this all day, and they make it clear that they're going to be protecting him because he's the Oni's next target.

The twins hover as Scott searches his locker, telling them that he needs to talk to Stiles and Noel alone so they can catch Stiles up on what happened last night.

The twins refuse at first, but Scott insists "Yes, just the three of us. Alone, that means no wolf hearing."

We cut to Stiles explaining what he endured alone that night to Scott and Noel, and we see that overnight, the words in Stiles' writing in the chemistry classroom were erased.

Stiles says that's fine, because he still has the key, but he searches his key ring and finds that he actually doesn't. He insists he had it that morning, and asks Scott and Noel if he showed it to them.

Scott says he only heard about it but didn't see it, while Noel says with a sad expression that he thinks he had his earbuds in when Stiles found the keys, so he didn't notice him finding them in the moment.

Stiles insists that he's not lying, and Scott begins to doubt what Stiles is saying. Stiles points out the mischief night prank they played on the coach that was his idea, and the similarities between that and Barrow's bomb, but Scott tells Stiles he probably isn't the one going around trying to kill people.

Noel puts a gentle hand on Stiles' forehead to check his temperature, saying "You feel a little hot, maybe you should go home and lay down. I'd feel a lot better about this whole situation if you went home and slept for a little while."

Stiles closes his eyes and nods as he pulls away from Noel's palm, admitting he hasn't been sleeping well as he takes one last look at the empty board.

Scott asks the twins if he could possibly not be the one the Oni are after, and he sees Kira descending the stairs at the school before we cut to Chris telling Allison and Isaac about Silverfinger, who will henceforth be referred to by his real name, Katashi.

Chris suggests they use a rare vintage gun to entice Katashi out of hiding, and tells Isaac and Allison they only have until nightfall to figure out how to protect whoever the Oni are after, whether it's Scott or someone else.

At Derek's loft, we see him picking up empty solo cups and throwing them into garbage bags. He's obviously not happy with the fact that he's alone to deal with the mess of Danny's party, silently working with a frown on his face.

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