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The episode opens on a bus. Boyd and Isaac sit together, with Noel in the seat in front of them, staring out the window with his jaw set.

Isaac suddenly tells Boyd to stop thinking about "it" without looking at him. Boyd asks if he's thinking about "it" too, and Isaac compromises that they'll both stop thinking about "it."

Isaac tips his chin toward Noel, who looks incredibly worse for wear, a silent way of saying 'don't talk about it where he can hear'.

"I can't," Boyd protests, Isaac telling him there's nothing they can do about it.

"You sure about that?" Noel asks, still looking out the window as Boyd looks over his shoulder to where Ethan sits with Danny.

They share a few words with a flirtatious tone, where Danny asks if Ethan is okay because he's looked at his phone three times in the last five minutes. Ethan assures him it's nothing almost bitterly as we pan back to Scott and Stiles at the back of the bus.

Scott has his eyes closed facing the window, and we see him in a dark place in his wolf form. We hear screaming and growling, and we get a first person POV of falling down into darkness as Scott reaches out to try and catch whatever is falling.

Stiles then wakes him up, and the two of them go over definitions. Stiles asks Scott to define "incongruous", and Scott asks him if he can use it in a sentence.

"Yes, yes I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now on our way to some stupid cross country meet after what just happened. Incongruous."

Scott gives him the correct definition then (out of place, ridiculous, absurd) and Stiles asks him to define "darach."

Scott looks at him, Stiles insisting that they have to talk about it sometime, since they're stuck on a bus for five hours anyway.

Scott ignores him, and Stiles tries to move on to the next word as they hit a major bump in the road. Scott looks horribly uncomfortable, Stiles saying they shouldn't have come. He stands up slightly out of his seat and calls out "Didn't I tell him we shouldn't have come? Noel, didn't I?"

"Quit bringing him into this, it's not his fault and I doubt he wants to think about it," Scott all but begs, continuing "And we had to come. There's safety in numbers."

"There's also death in numbers, it's called a massacre," Stiles says and lists off other synonyms for mass murder. Scott grunts in pain, Stiles saying he's going to go tell the coach he can't play.

Scott tells him not to, and says he's alright, which Stiles denies. He asks to see Scott's injury, which is a deep bloody scrape across his side. Stiles is shocked at the severity and the fact that it hasn't healed yet, but Scott says it's just because they're from an alpha and they'll take longer to heal.

"I still think this is Noel's fault. I mean, how come those three up there got out of it all fine and dandy?" Stiles asks, gesturing to Isaac, Boyd, and Noel. Scott says absentmindedly as he looks out the window "I just can't believe he's dead.."

We then see Noel, eyes full of tears that are streaming down his cheeks as he stares out the window and Scott says in a voiceover "I can't believe Derek's dead."


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