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The episode starts with Kira and Scott racing to the loft. Inside, the sheriff pulls out a pair of handcuffs, as Void asks almost amused "You wanna handcuff me?"

The sheriff begins to approach, reasoning "If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me. Because he knows I'm here to protect him, from himself and from others."

He opens the cuffs and extends them, Void raising his wrists without a word. He looks up at the sheriff once the cuffs are on, and the sheriff says with a shake of his head "You're not my son."

Void gives a single shake of his own, breaking the cuffs effortlessly as the Argents, Derek, and Noel enter the loft. Void chuckles, as Allison pulls out a taser and shoots him. Void effortlessly catches the line, tossing it aside as Derek roars. He rushes in to attack, but Void isn't fazed, grabbing him and slamming him down onto a table before throwing him into one of the loft's pillars. To Void's left, Argent cocks his pistol, Noel looking on from where he stands with Allison.

"Argent, listen to me, don't do this," the sheriff begs, as Argent asks why not, he's done it before.

"Werewolves, berserkers, I can easily add a nogitsune to the list," he threatens, as the sheriff pulls his own gun on Argent.

"You're not gonna shoot my son," he warns, but Chris retaliates "You said it yourself, sheriff. That's not your son."

"Put it down," the sheriff commands, as Void says in a perfect Stiles tone "Dad, he's gonna shoot me. He's gonna kill me, Dad."

The sheriff starts yelling for Argent to put the gun down, a commotion starting. Argent is telling the sheriff not to listen, the sheriff is telling him to put the gun down, and Void is telling Argent to pull the trigger.

Noel calls out from underneath it all "Chris, stop!" but Derek, now recovered and at Noel's side, instantly grabs him and covers his mouth. As the yelling continues we see Derek lean into Noel's ear, saying something to him that we can't hear, as the men and Void continue to yell.

Those with a keen eye and the ability to read lips can see that Derek is whispering in Noel's ear "Stop, don't become a target, it's okay" as he keeps his eyes on the men and Void.

The sun goes down, and we see Scott and Kira getting closer and closer as Allison realizes this is exactly what Void wants.

Void looks at her, correcting "Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out, cause you're not here to kill me. You're here to protect me."

The oni arrive and Void backs up behind Argent and the sheriff, as Derek finally takes his hand off Noel's mouth but keeps his arms around him. The sheriff and Argent open fire on the oni, and when they materialize behind them as well, Derek, Noel, and Allison turn around to handle them.

The credits roll.

Scott and Kira arrive and hear gunfire from the loft, running in to see the fight already over and Derek with a bleeding scratch on his shoulder that Noel is inspecting. Scott asks what happened, Allison explaining that the Oni disappeared along with Stiles.

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