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Noel isn't seen until after Lydia and Allison's talk, riding in the jeep with Scott and Stiles as they all confront the kanima in the parking lot. "What do we do now?" Stiles asks, but Noel and Scott are already out of the car and over the fence, running to get to where Derek and Jackson are.

By the time Scott and Noel get there and see Gerard Argent is holding a hand out to the kanima, Scott tackles Jackson away and turns to look at Argent.

Noel is over with Derek, also looking at Gerard in shock and horror. He runs a quick hand through Derek's hair before standing and following after Scott.

Cue the intro.

After the intro, Noel is with Scott as the two look around the corner and are scared by Stiles. "Did you see where he went?" Stiles asks, Scott shaking his head and admitting that they lost him.

"You couldn't catch a scent?" Stiles asks, Noel saying thoughtfully "I don't think he has one as a kanima. If he did I would have gotten it immediately, I know his scent."

"Well, do you have any clue where he's going?" Stiles asks instead, Scott looking at him and saying "To kill someone."

"Ah," Stiles says in mock passivity. "That explains the claws and fangs and all that. Good, makes perfect sense now." Scott and Noel both glare at him, and he delivers his famous "147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones" line. It earns him an eye roll from Noel, but not much else.

"Just help us find it," Scott says, Noel responding quickly and defensively "Not 'it', Jackson."

Apologetically, Scott says "I know, I know."

"Alright, but does he know that?" Stiles asks, Noel biting his lip. "Did anybody else see him back at your house?" Stiles continues, Scott answering "I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway."

"Yeah but that's just the thing, how did he pass the test?" Stiles asks, Scott admitting that he doesn't know. "Maybe it's like an either or thing," Stiles suggests, Noel and Scott both looking to him for elaboration. "Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right?" Picking up on what Stiles is saying, Noel finishes "When is the kanima not the kanima?"

Scott ponders this, before saying in realization "When it's Jackson."

Stiles looks up to the roof and sees Jackson's tail there, trying to get Noel and Scott's attention before pointing up. The boys look and see Jackson sneaking inside, Stiles asking "What's he gonna do in there?"

After a beat, Scott says "I know who he's after." Stiles and Noel both look at Scott in questioning, Stiles asking "What, how, did you smell something? Why didn't you smell anything," he asks Noel, Noel shooting him a glare before following Scott's line of sight to where Danny is waiting to get into the club.

After the break, the three boys are around back, trying to get in, Stiles saying "Alright, maybe there's like a window we could climb through, or some kind of-"

As he says this, Scott pulls the handle off the door and hands it to Stiles. Stiles states this out loud, Noel smirking and leaning into his ear. "Stupid werewolves, am I right?" he asks, Stiles flailing his arms in Noel's general direction defensively as the two follow Scott inside.

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