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The episode begins with a flashback to four weeks ago. Kate sits in a car and listens to a cassette tape that details the Hale family and their triskelion, after which she asks an assassin who the benefactor is. The assassin informs her about a group of teenagers called the orphans who got cassettes like she did, after which she kills him.


Coach tries to keep everyone calm by the locker room, and nearby, Scott assures his dad that he's okay. His dad apologizes for missing the game after he had promised to be around, as Parrish walks Violet out of the school in handcuffs. She sees his badge and casts a look Scott's way, as McCall follows Parrish out after hearing Violet's weapon was a thermo-cut wire.

Liam approaches Scott, and tells him that Kira left when Lydia cracked the second deadpool code. Scott notes that her mom was on it, as Liam agrees "Everyone's on it."

"You're not, neither are Malia and Noel," Scott says, and Liam corrects "Not yet. There's still another third, right?"

In the next room, McCall notes how unusual Violet's weapon of choice is, implying that she caused the other murders. She denies his accusation, and McCall reveals that he knows she doesn't have any parents and theorizes that she must be part of the orphans. Parrish escorts her out, as we cut to the clinic where Brett is violently convulsing and spewing yellow liquid from his mouth.

"What the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles asks as he helps Derek hold Brett down, as Deaton explains hastily that he was poisoned by a rare wolfsbane. He tells the boys to hold him as still as possible so he can make an incision, and when Stiles asks Derek to use a little werewolf strength, Derek retaliates "Well I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength," as he struggles with Brett.

"If you can't hold him still the incision might kill him," Deaton says sternly, and just as he's about to make the incision, Brett breaks free and starts to panic. He stands up and moves to run, but as he makes it to the door, Noel steps in and punches him clean across the face.

Brett falters and collapses back onto the operating table, as Noel watches and looks at his knuckles. He flexes them, clearly in pain from the strength behind the punch, gaze turning to Derek with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I leave to grab a towel and this is what happens?" he asks, Derek seeming sheepish as Noel feels Brett for a pulse. "Okay, well, I didn't kill him, that's a good sign." He looks up at Derek again, saying "He was weakened, I know that our strength heightens when we panic, but he's basically half dead right now. Why...?"

Noel trails off as Derek looks down at his arm, a deep scratch set there unhealing. Just as Noel is about to comment on it, Stiles announces that Brett has stopped breathing, and Deaton takes the opportunity to puncture Brett's lung and allow the wolfsbane to escape as a cloud of yellow dust.

We hear Stiles ask if he's okay, to Deaton's response that he should be fine in time as we watch Derek's arm finally heal when Noel touches him. The two meet eyes, both looking equally concerned as Stiles hears Brett whispering the "sun moon truth" mantra.

Deaton explains that it's Buddhist in origin, looking back at Derek, who says with a sigh "Satomi."

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