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Noel first enters the episode at school. He walks into class with Scott, and when Scott sees Allison, Noel says "Come on, you're sitting with me today." When Scott ignores him and goes to Allison, Noel rolls his eyes and goes to sit down. Scott eventually does sit beside him and Stiles, and Noel says nothing to him. Noel has no problem taking the test Harris hands out.

When Scott runs out, Harris yells "Mr. McCall!" Stiles follows after his best friend, to which Harris yells "Mr. Stilinski!" Noel gets up to run after them too, but Harris says "If the next words out of my mouth are 'Mr. Whittemore', you'll all be in detention for the rest of the semester!" Noel's mouth opens in shock before he pouts and sits back down.

 Whittemore', you'll all be in detention for the rest of the semester!" Noel's mouth opens in shock before he pouts and sits back down

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Later in the scene with the Argents, when one of the men says "What about Derek?" Kate says "He's smarter than that, he won't be out tonight. There's cops everywhere. And if he does go out, I know exactly where he'll be." She means he'll be with Noel, or Noel will seek him out and Derek will have nowhere to go from there.

Mrs. Argent comes in then, and says her whole line about killing Derek if they find him, the first part being changed to "If you know where he'll be, be there before he is. Be there so you can kill him..." etc.

At lunch, Noel is eating with Allison and they're laughing about something that happened off camera. They appear to be getting along well, and are obviously becoming close friends. When Jackson comes over, he says "Noel, would you mind leaving us alone for a minute, please?"

"We're in the middle of a conversation," Noel protests, but when Jackson shoots him a glare, Noel gets up and leaves obediently. Allison looks annoyed at Jackson's actions but doesn't protest to them or mention it. The scene continues normally.

At lacrosse practice, Noel sits to Scott's right while Stiles sits to his left. When coach reads off the names of the boys that temporarily get to play first line, the name "Taylor" is replaced with "Whittemore". Coach reads it and Noel's heart stops, looking up in shock as Stiles smiles at him. Coach squints at his paper and says with a laugh "Oh, that must be a mistake. Jackson's already first line. Let me just erase that.."

Noel jumps up and says "What's the number, coach?" Coach reads the number, and says "55.. That's not Jackson's number.."

"That's mine, coach! Noel Whittemore, remember?" Noel says, and Jackson looks from Noel to coach and sets his jaw in mild anger.

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Noel Whittemore, that's the one. And then there's.." and that's where we get our "Bilinski" lines.

NOEL WHITTEMOREWhere stories live. Discover now