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The first time we see Noel in season three is after Braeden saves Isaac from the alpha pack, in the credits. He holds the same spot in the lineup, between Tyler Hoechlin and Holland Roden, and his visual stays the same as well (a clawed hand ripping his shirt to reveal the Hale triskele between his shoulder blades).

After the intro, we're in a tattoo parlor, and Stiles and Noel are flipping through books of pictures of potential tattoos. Stiles, now with an all new full head of hair, holds up a picture of a howling wolf.

"You sure you don't want this one?" he asks his best friend, Noel laughing and saying "Wait, I got a better one." He holds up a picture of a humanoid lizard, similar to the kanima, and Scott asks with a slight smirk "Why don't you get that one?"

"Because I hate tattoos, and I don't plan on getting one ever," Noel replies casually, looking at the tattoo artist and saying "No offense, of course."

The artist seems unbothered by the statement as he continues to prep Scott's arm to be tattooed. Stiles keeps flipping through the book, saying "I think I gotta go with Noel, man, are you really sure about this? Tattoos are pretty permanent."

"I'm not changing my mind," Scott says firmly, but with a smile

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"I'm not changing my mind," Scott says firmly, but with a smile.

"Okay, but why two bands?" Stiles asks, and Scott responds with a shrug "I just like it."

"But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know, or something?" Stiles asks, Scott shrugging. "Getting a tattoo means something."

"I don't think that's-" Noel starts, the tattoo artist cutting him off. "He's right. Tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word tatau means 'to mark', like a rite of passage."

Scott turns to look at his friends, saying "See? He gets it."

"He's covered in tattoos, Scott. Literally," Stiles says, the tattoo artist picking up his gun and asking Scott if he's ready. Scott nods, and the man asks if he has any problems with needles. Scott says he doesn't, but Stiles says "I tend to get a little squeamish, so..." he trails off as he watches the man start to tattoo Scott's skin, fainting right into Noel's arms. Noel catches him, rolling his eyes and struggling to get Stiles into a chair.

After the session is over and all three boys go to Stiles' jeep, Stiles asks Scott if he's okay. Scott admits that the spot under the bandage "kind of burns", and Noel says "You don't think it's infected already, do you?"

"No, he just got stabbed like 1,000 times with a needle, that's why it burns," Stiles says.

Scott shakes his head, restating "I don't think it's supposed to burn like this."

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