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We start with Deaton pulling the flies out of Isaac and the twins, and then we cut to Melissa trying to figure out if the Stiles they were left with is the real one. Noshiko arrives with the Oni, who examine Stiles, give him the "self" Kanji, and go on their way. Having passed the test, Stiles asks if they can kill Void, but Noshiko explains that it's too close to dawn.

Scott asks why Void took Lydia, Noshiko explaining that he did so to have the advantage of her banshee powers.

We watch Void pursuing Lydia, taunting her, telling her that Stiles is dying. He laughs, causing her to scream as the credits play.

Noshiko teaches her daughter how to play go, telling her it's crucial that she learns. Parrish enters the sheriff's office, offering him coffee, saying he felt drawn to Beacon Hills when asked and urging the sheriff to go home. Scott and Stiles enter the office after Parrish leaves, Stiles helping his dad find his keys as Scott informs him that everything isn't over yet.

Derek stops the elevator out of Argent's complex with Noel at his side, their hands joined but no longer threatening or coercive.

"You had a gun pointed at my head. You could have pulled the trigger. Why didn't you?" Derek asks, as Argent explains it's because Derek isn't his enemy anymore.

"Plus, what kind of man would I be to kill a person while he's in the arms of his partner? That makes me like Kate, and I'm not Kate," he adds, Noel looking down at the floor before looking back at Argent and nodding gratefully.

"The truth is, we should be out there, looking for Stiles. Right now, especially if he can do something like this," Derek points out, Argent arguing "I'm not sure that's actually going to be necessary."

"Why not?" Noel asks, as Argent explains "Because if he can do something like this-"

"He's already stronger than ever. He'll already be looking for us," Derek finishes for him, stepping back into the elevator deep in thought. Noel receives him into his arms, holding him tightly and reassuringly as the elevator door closes.

Stiles sticks the sheriff and Scott onto the scent of Meredith Walker, the twins get shot with rounds of wolfsbane bullets, and Isaac and Allison find Lydia's car. Meredith shows up at school after breaking out of Eichen House, and Stiles wakes up asking where everyone is. Scott tells him that Allison, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden are looking for Lydia.

"What about Noel, where's Noel," he asks, still panicking, Scott answering calmly "With Derek. They had an incident with Allison's dad, like Isaac and the twins had, but everything's fine. They're probably out looking for Lydia too by now."

Scott feels that Stiles is in pain, and freezing cold, as Kira calls to let them know Meredith is at school and they need to get there fast. Meredith tells coach that she hears people screaming, and Lydia screams over it all before we cut to black.

The twins are struggling to escape as they continue getting shot at, when suddenly Derek and Noel show up out of nowhere. Derek picks up Aiden, who's badly injured, telling them all to run. The four of them take off, as Eichen House orderlies arrive at school to take Meredith away.

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