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We open in Stiles' room, where he struggles to sleep next to Malia and complains until they finally find a comfortable position to sleep in. He then wakes up, realizing he's actually alone and the domestic squabble was a dream.

McCall records notes explaining why he killed the Chemist, and apologizes to Scott that he might miss his first game of the season due to having to go in for questioning. He assures Scott that what he did was necessary and justifiable, and Scott asks if he's done it before. McCall admits that there were two other times, and that none of the three times have been easy.

He tells Scott that to deal with it, he looks at the situation logically and without emotion. He admits that he used to compartmentalize by drinking, and then he hugs his son as he says that when he gets back, the two of them will need to talk about why Scott and his friends handling things the way they do doesn't phase them the way that it should.

Before Scott can ask what he means, McCall explains that it feels like they know something he doesn't. He tells Scott that he'd like to be in the know when he gets back, and Scott agrees.

We go to Noel next, sitting at the edge of a bed. He looks down at his hand and flips it a few times as if he's inspecting it, and we hear a soft knock on one of the support beams in the loft as Derek makes his presence known.

"Hi," he says, Noel returning a small "hi" as he lays down on the bed. Derek crawls in beside him as they both get under the covers, Derek wearing just his boxers while Noel is in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms. Neither seems to care about what the other is or isn't wearing as they face each other and join hands between their bodies.

After a few beats of just watching one another, Derek's hand raises up and tucks a stray curl behind Noel's ear, mentioning conversationally "Your hair's getting long. Maybe after we finish unpacking we should get you to a barber."

"I almost died today, Derek," Noel says, ignoring the comment on his hair and getting to brass tacks. Derek doesn't seem surprised, nodding and saying casually "Yeah. You did."

Noel smiles, laughing as his eyes fill with tears. Derek instantly pulls him into his arms, Noel still laughing through his cries as he wipes his eyes. Derek kisses his forehead and rests his lips against it, closing his eyes as he says soothingly "Hey... It's alright now. You're okay, you're here with me, you're alive and you're safe."

"I almost died and we're talking about unpacking my things and getting haircuts," Noel says with a sniffle, as Derek laughs as well and uses his nose to nudge Noel up to look at him.

Their eyes meet and Derek relaxes his head, just watching Noel for a second before he says "If you're alive and safe and in my arms, all I want to talk about forever is unpacking and haircuts. No werewolves, no diseases, no hunters, nothing like that. Just you, and how badly you need a haircut."

"Is it that bad?" Noel asks as he blinks away what's left of his tears, Derek shaking his head with a fond smile as he tugs Noel back in against his chest.

"No, it's not bad at all," Derek assures him, pressing kisses to the crown of Noel's head. "I kind of like it like this, long and wild with curls. You always kept it short and straight when we met."

"Short and straight was easier than having a routine," Noel admits, shaking his head to let his curls and waves bounce against the pillows. Derek laughs, holding his head still with one hand and kissing his forehead.

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