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Noel is not in history class with Stiles and Scott. While the two walk down the hall and talk about Derek teaching Scott how to control his anger, they don't mention Noel or his absence. When Scott says Derek is picking him up after work, Stiles says "That gives me 'til the end of the school day then." "To do what?" Scott asks, to which Stiles replies "To teach you myself." He walks out of frame, and can be heard saying "Where's Noel? He can help us too." This makes Scott smile.

Noel is eating lunch with Scott and Stiles in the next scene, but is distracted by his book and not really into their conversation until "Your Yoda, I will be." This makes Noel snort and drop his book, laughing along with Scott and Stiles.

Later during Scott and Stiles' training session, Noel doesn't contribute much, mostly sitting in the bleachers and watching what happens while he reads his book. When Stiles binds Scott's wrists with duct tape, Noel calls out "You think duct tape can stop a rampaging werewolf?" Stiles glares at him before starting to chuck the lacrosse balls at his friend. Noel yells a few tips to Stiles as he throws the balls, things like "Aim a little higher!" "Pretend he's Jackson!" "Follow through with those tosses, Stiles!" This only makes things more enjoyable for Stiles.

When Scott breaks out of the duct tape handcuffs, Noel drops his book and runs onto the field. Jackson then notices that his cousin was sitting there the whole time, and now he's even more intrigued by the whole situation.

Noel kneels down beside Scott with Stiles, but doesn't say anything to further the conversation.

In the next scene with Scott and Stiles in the locker room, Noel walks beside them. When Scott says "You guys have seen Derek, the guy's completely alone." Noel knits his eyebrows together and says "But I was at his house a couple nights ago, there was a woman there."

"A one night stand doesn't count as a friend, Noel," Stiles says, Noel looking confused before Scott continues with "Either way, Allison isn't a one night stand. What if I can never be around her again?"

"Well if you're not dead, that can be a good thing," Stiles says, Noel elbowing him in the rib and shooting him a glare.

When Scott says it smells like something is "rotting or dying," Noel says "Probably just Greenberg's week old boxers again. Remember last time he left those in his locker?" He Scott and Stiles share a laugh at that, as they leave the locker room and Jackson reveals himself in his weakened state.

During econ, Noel sits next to Scott. When Allison says to Scott "Maybe I can bring your grade up", Stiles and Noel have a twin eye roll moment.

He's not in the next scene with Scott and Stiles in the hallway, or with them when Scott gets in trouble for keying the car, or with them in detention.

When Derek finishes his talk with Peter in the home, he goes out to his car and gets inside. When he does, Noel is sitting in the passenger's seat. Derek looks at him, seemingly unsurprised as he says nothing, just starting the car and driving. After a few beats, Noel looks at him and says "Aren't you gonna ask me what I'm doing here?"

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