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Noel doesn't make an appearance until the first classroom scene, where he sits diagonally behind Stiles. He doesn't add to or change the canon conversation between Scott and Stiles. When Stiles talks about how Derek "still scares [him]", Noel laughs a bit, which earns him a glare from both Scott and Stiles. He clears his throat to try and hide his laugh, not looking at either of his friends. Cut to Derek stumbling along in the school hallway.

Noel is standing talking to Scott as he unchains his bike in the parking lot, and as soon as they see Derek, he runs over to the parking lot to help him.

While Scott basically interrogates Derek, Noel has a hand on the older man's back and is listening intently to him speak.When Derek's eyes flash for a second, Noel jumps back but immediately returns to holding Derek steady.

Noel helps Scott put Derek into Stiles' jeep, and Scott orders Noel to go tell the other students that everything was fine. Noel does so quickly and gets all the honking to stop. He runs back to Scott and gets in the backseat of the jeep. Stiles looks at him and says "Noel, let Scott and I handle this. This isn't really your world to be meddling in."

"It is now," Noel says in unison with Derek, both of them looking at each other before Derek's eyes flash blue again and he grunts in pain, turning to face forward while Noel lays a hand on Derek's shoulder. Stiles drives off with Derek and Noel, Jackson looking particularly confused by his cousin's role in all of this business.

 Stiles drives off with Derek and Noel, Jackson looking particularly confused by his cousin's role in all of this business

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In the scene in the jeep, Noel looks just as uncomfortable as Stiles from where he sits in the middle back of the jeep. When Derek says "Not when I can't protect myself" Stiles chimes in "You won't be by yourself. I'm dumping you there with hero boy in the backseat so you can have a little snack before you kick the bucket."

"Why does everyone think I'm going to eat him?!" Derek asks and lets out more noises to show his pain, Noel staying silent in the backseat as Stiles pulls over.

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