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Noel is first mentioned in the first scene of the episode. As Jackson and Lydia are discussing in the car which movie to get for their date that night, Jackson refuses to get The Notebook. Lydia then turns to look at him and says "If you don't swallow your pride and go in there and rent the movie that I want to watch, I'm going to take full advantage of the fact that your cousin who's madly in love with me just so happens to live under the same roof as you."

Jackson stares at Lydia for a second, and that's what becomes the segue for Jackson to be inside asking "Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" instead of just Lydia's silent look as it is in the show.

In the scene in the classroom after Scott and Allison leave the school, Jackson walks in and sits beside Noel, which makes the other boy scrunch his eyebrows together in confusion.

Mr. Harris walks over and says "Jackson, good to see that you flock to your family in times of distress." Jackson and Noel look at each other, not saying anything before Jackson turns back to Mr. Harris and is given permission to leave early if he has to. Noel rolls his eyes and returns to his work, not acknowledging Jackson's presence.

Noel leaves the classroom with Stiles, and as Stiles tells Scott about what's happening at the school over the phone, Noel grabs the phone from Stiles and says "Plus, Jackson sat next to me in chemistry. He freaking walked into class and just sat down beside me of his own free will."

"He's your cousin, you guys live together, why is that out of the ordinary?" Scott asks, to which Noel replies "That's just it! He's my cousin, we live together! He gets enough of me at home, why would he want to be sitting next to me in class?"

"What am I supposed to do about it?" Scott asks, replacing his line in canon "Like what?" after Stiles says "You have to do something about it." Stiles then says "I don't know, something!"

When Stiles goes to Lydia's house to check up on her, Noel is with him. At first it looks like he's going to go into Lydia's room with Stiles, but her mom says "Noel, sweetheart, you come downstairs with me, tell me about how Jackson's doing."

Noel looks like he's about to protest, but Mrs. Martin puts a hand on his shoulder and leads him out of the room while Stiles smirks triumphantly. The Stydia scene remains the same. However, instead of Lydia implying that she had thought Stiles was Jackson the whole time, Noel walks in on Lydia touching Stiles' face, and Lydia looks over his shoulder and says brightly "Jackson!" Noel's eyes go wide when he realizes she thinks he's his cousin. Stiles looks annoyed at the intrusion, and says "Aaaand we're done here."

Noel shrugs apologetically, and when Lydia's phone rings after she collapses, Noel sits down next to Stiles and says "You probably shouldn't look at a girl's phone without her permission. Or really, anyone's phone without their permission."

Stiles picks up the phone anyway and watches the video, Noel's heart basically stopping when he sees the alpha on the video. He looks confused for a second, his face conveying a look of slight familiarity. He mouths in time to Laura's voice in the background, that says "Find him and tell me. Protect him."

Noel blinks a few times and turns to Stiles, saying "We have to show Scott and Derek."

Stiles nods in agreement, and the scene cuts to Kate at the Hale house.

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