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The episode opens on Lydia, Scott, Noel, and Isaac at the sheriff's station. Scott is staring off, thinking about Allison, as her dad sternly helps him get his story straight.

The story Argent pushes is that Scott called him first, and that two masked people tried to steal their car at knifepoint. Argent keeps telling Scott to say "it all happened so fast" if he ever trips up or gets confused, and Scott asks him how he's doing this, treating the death of his daughter so clinically.

Argent looks away from Scott, leveling "It's what we do." He walks away as Parrish interrogates Isaac in the present, asking if he remembers anything else.

Isaac struggles, using Argent's "it happened so fast" line as we move to the Yukimuras' where Stiles is.

Noshiko and Yukimura tell Stiles he needs a divine move, and Deaton could help since he knows about the Nemeton. Isaac and Argent share a moment of mourning together, oni infiltrate the sheriff's station, and the credits roll.

Afterward, we're at the loft, where Derek cures the twins of their wolfsbane poisoning. He tells them they'll be fine in a few hours, Aiden announcing that they're going to find Lydia. Ethan follows, as Derek asks them if they think they're gonna convince Lydia to go with them.

"I'm gonna try and convince her to run and hide, like any sane person would do," Aiden corrects, Derek asking if Ethan's gonna try and hide Danny.

"Allison's dead, Stiles is dying, what do you think," Ethan spits, asking "You aren't even considering locking Noel up somewhere safe until all this blows over?"

"Of course I am. But Danny wouldn't believe you, Noel would find his way right back to the pack, and Lydia would never run and hide."

"Because of Stiles?" Aiden asks condescendingly, Derek correcting "Because of Scott. You've been trying to find a way into his pack, trying to earn his trust, trying to fight for him. But you've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader, you fight for a leader's cause."

"What cause," Aiden asks, Derek answering "Scott's always been about one thing: saving his friends. He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about. When there's no chance of winning, he keeps fighting. When all hope is lost, he finds another way. When he's beaten down, he stands up again. You want to earn a place in his pack, you want redemption? Find another way to stand and fight."

"Stiles and Kira said it was the nemeton that kept it trapped," Scott says as he, Lydia, and Noel enter the clinic. Deaton informs them "The problem is, this isn't even a person you're fighting, it just looks like one. It's a spirit that's taken the shape of a human."

"The shape of my best friend," Scott corrects, Lydia pointing out "Someone caught it once, someone can do it again, right?"

"I don't know," Deaton admits, "this thing was trapped a long time ago, before the nemeton was cut down. It doesn't have the same power anymore."

"Is there anything that has that kind of power?" Noel asks, Deaton saying there's a possibility. He explains that when the tree was whole, its wood used to be used to contain powerful artifacts. Noel's eyes widen, asking "What, like alpha claws?"

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