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The episode starts with Deaton going and procuring a certain type of moss called letharia vulpina, which can only grow from the blood of a Nogitsune, that he plans to use to cure Stiles. Then we watch the credits and hop right back into where the last episode ended.

The wire starts to spark and whips at Kira, but it's revealed that it actually went just over her head. It appears to chase toward her, but an ambulance comes out of nowhere and knocks it out of its path. This, however, causes a water leak from a nearby hydrant, drenching the area as the wire continues to spark.

The ambulance's driver steps out into the water, and Allison is about to, but Isaac pushes her away and takes the shock himself. Another woman steps into the water as a car drives through, Kira vaulting over it and landing with no ill effects.

Derek, Noel, and Scott run in and stop each other from stepping into the water, as Kira grabs the wire and absorbs the electricity.

People begin to run around and scream, as Derek notices Isaac laying in the water. He runs over, looking horrified, Noel calling out to him to wait to be sure it's safe.

Derek, however, is unwilling to lose another of his betas, beelining toward Isaac and kneeling beside him. He calls his name and sees he isn't breathing, telling Scott and Noel as a commercial starts.

After the commercial, we see Scott, and in almost a dreamlike state we hear Derek yell that Isaac isn't breathing and see Isaac being wheeled off with severe burns, Noshiko telling Kira now isn't the time for people to see her kitsune side, Parrish telling the sheriff that Stiles' jeep is gone, and McCall noting that the wire looks like it was cut intentionally.

We cut out and see Scott, laying in bed, waking up and sitting up. In a voiceover, Derek urges him to tell the sheriff what's really going on with Stiles.

Scott goes downstairs and asks his mom if there's any news. She says Stiles is still missing, and even though it's past the 48 hour mark, Stiles would be one to show up fine after 48 hours of being missing.

"What about Isaac?" he asks, and Melissa suggests they pick up Noel and go by the hospital before school to visit him.

The sheriff gets a text from Stiles saying that he's okay and to not come looking for him, as a package arrives that needs the sheriff's signature.

McCall enters and asks if the sheriff has any trouble with the Yakuza, specifically a man named Katashi.

Melissa, Scott, and Noel arrive at the hospital, Noel laying his hand on a sleeping Allison's shoulder. She wakes and looks at them, as Noel asks "Have you been here all night?"

Allison sleepily says they won't let her see him because she isn't family, despite her telling them that he doesn't have any.

"He's got us," Melissa reasons, to looks from the three teens, before she follows up "And I've got a keycard."

The three teens enter Isaac's room and nod at Melissa's order to be quick, and once inside, Allison grabs both the boys' hands. Noel thinks nothing of it, but Scott looks down at their hands before accepting the hold. They go toward Isaac together, as Allison says "I thought he would be healing by now."

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