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Noel is first mentioned during Stiles' session with Morrell. She asks him if he's talked to Scott or Noel since that night, and Stiles says "Yeah, I've talked to Noel a bit, but not Scott. He's got his own problems to deal with."

A bit later, as he's naming off his friends and how they're doing, Noel gets a section.

As Stiles talks about him, Noel is seen sitting at his desk writing something. Every so often he'll get frustrated and crumple up the paper, throwing it in the trash can.

"Noel seems really out of sorts all of a sudden, I think it's because his boyfriend broke up with him and just disappeared without telling him why

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"Noel seems really out of sorts all of a sudden, I think it's because his boyfriend broke up with him and just disappeared without telling him why. I asked him about it, he said he isn't mad or heartbroken or anything, but he won't tell me what is wrong with him."

We see an overhead shot of Noel's paper, and it's a simple list. The title is "The Hales". On the list are four bullets-

• Laura's ghost at Lydia's party
• Breakup with Derek (where did he go?)
• Helping the betas hold their humanity (are they with Derek?)

The last bullet gets a lingering shot.

• Seeing Peter alive in my dreams

Stiles continues his voiceover as Noel crosses all of those bullet points off angrily.

"He feels bad about Jackson too, though. He thinks he isn't doing enough to help him."

As Stiles' monologue about him finishes, Noel chucks the entire can full of crumpled up papers at the wall. This makes Jackson next door perk his head up toward the crash as Morrell asks
"What's wrong with Jackson?"

Stiles then changes the subject and talks about Jackson instead.

Noel isn't mentioned again until Peter and Derek's reunion scene after Isaac takes the dog's pain at the clinic. Peter tells Derek "Quite a situation you've gotten yourself in here, Derek. I mean, I'm out of commission for a few weeks and suddenly there's lizard people, geriatric psychopaths, you're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem deprived adolescent, and you're breaking up with your anchor because you're too afraid to tell him that you don't think you're going to survive the next time the Argents get their hands on you."

"What do you want?" Derek asks, Peter saying a bit too brightly "I want to help. You're my nephew. You're the only relative that I have left, and there's still a lot that I could teach you. Can we just talk?"

Seemingly forgetting Deaton's warning about not trusting Peter, Derek says "Sure. Lets talk."

Suddenly we see Peter, slamming into the stairs and falling to the ground where Derek had thrown him.

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