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The episode opens with Noel kneeling above Derek, shaking him and begging him to wake up. Derek is still unconscious, as he was in the last episode, and Stiles looks on with concern where he kneels beside them as Noel tries to get Derek to wake up.

"Come on, Derek, Derek, wake up!" Noel yells, Stiles saying "Hit him, when he was dying of wolfsbane poisoning, I punched him and he woke up, remember?"

Noel tries it once, slapping Derek across the face to no avail. He grunts in frustration and tries it again with a closed fist, and when that does nothing, he takes a few shaking, angry breaths before his eyes burst open, his fangs elongate, and he lets out a howl of desperation.

One might expect his eyes to be red, channeling Laura's influence over Derek, but instead they blaze beta gold. Noel is crying out as a beta to his alpha, and after just a few beats of his howling, Derek wakes up with his eyes blazing bright red. He howls in response, and the two briefly roar together as Stiles watches in awe.

It's over as soon as it's begun, both of them cutting off their howls to catch their breath. Derek looks around the elevator questioningly, fangs still out as he asks "Where is she?"

"Jennifer? Gone, with Scott's mom," Stiles says, relieved that Derek is awake and quickly getting back his adrenaline.

"She took her?" Derek asks, Stiles continuing to fill Derek in with "Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion."

"So we need to get you out of here, the police are coming, we have to go," Noel stresses as he pulls Derek up by the forearm.

Derek sits up and asks about Cora, and we get the answer that she's safe in the next scene, as Isaac pulls in and sees Allison and Chris.

Derek and Noel pull up in Derek's car to where the Argents and Isaac are waiting, Allison asking them where Scott and Stiles are. Derek tells her that Stiles is at the hospital holding the cops off, and that they need to leave as soon as possible as Noel helps him get Cora out of the car. Chris asks about Scott and Melissa, and Noel says solemnly that Jennifer took Melissa as he opens the door of Derek's car for him to lay Cora down.

Allison asks him again where Scott is, but Derek ignores her and tells Noel to get in the car. Noel goes without a word, Allison asking once more. Derek looks at her, but the camera cuts before he can answer her that Scott is with Deucalion.

In the loft after the credits, Cora is breathing heavily with black blood covering her lips. Isaac walks up to where Derek and Noel are sitting beside her, asking them "She's dying, isn't she?"

"I don't know," Derek admits, as Cora coughs. Noel tries to give her a drink of water, but as soon as the water goes into her mouth she splutters and spits it out.

"So what are you gonna do?" Isaac asks, showing no emotion, and Derek repeats that he doesn't know. This answer doesn't satisfy Isaac, as he bursts out with "You wanna figure something out? Because while Scott, Stiles, and Noel were out there trying to help people from being killed, you were in here rolling around in the sheets with the actual killer. Now Noel's here, with you, instead of out there with them, because you're too selfish to let him go and help them."

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