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Back on the lacrosse field, Noel is sitting there applying pressure to Lydia's wounds. He says "I'm not letting you leave her here like this, she's bleeding, and she's unconscious. We have to get her to a hospital, or something."

"You don't have a choice on whether you stay or not, Noel. You're coming with me," Peter says and wipes his mouth. Noel says "Kill me if you want, just don't hurt her or my friends. I'll do anything you want, just leave them all alone!"

Peter smirks and tilts Noel's head back with his claws, saying "Call Stiles or Jackson. Tell him where she is, and that's all you get." Without hesitating, Noel gets his phone out and scrolls through his contacts as Peter walks in the other direction. Later, it's revealed that he called Jackson.

Peter drives a stolen car with Noel sitting in the front seat. Peter tries to put a positive spin on things by saying that if Lydia survives, she'll wake up a werewolf. He continues that by saying "You obviously have a bit of a thing for werewolves if you're lusting so openly after my nephew the way you are."

Noel glares at Peter and stays silent.

Later, Peter and Noel pull up in the abandoned parking lot. Peter drags Noel along, and reveals the dead nurse in the trunk of the car. Noel can't look at it, staring over Peter's shoulder.

Noel watches Peter set up his equipment (wi-fi and laptop) and asks "What exactly is your plan here? What are you trying to accomplish?" Peter looks at him and says "Don't ask questions. Get them connected."

Noel reluctantly obeys, before saying "Sorry to ruin your nefarious plans, but I don't know Scott's username or password."

"Yes you do, I can hear it in your heartbeat and see it on your face," Peter says and raises an eyebrow at Noel. Noel swears he has no idea what they are, and Peter grabs Noel and puts him in a chokehold. "I can be very persuasive, Noel," he says casually, before repeating "Don't make me have to persuade you."

Noel takes Stiles' lines word for word in his next scene (changing "leave Scott out of it" to "leave my friends out of it). Peter's line is the same, but it starts with "I can't guarantee Scott's a part of this agreement." and it continues as per canon with Noel as Stiles.

Peter's line is changed from "Because he's your best friend, who you know so well" to "Because he's one of your only friends, and he trusts you so much that you know his username and password."

"He doesn't trust me, he's just not safe, which makes me wonder why you couldn't figure any of this out without my help," Noel says angrily, to which Peter chuckles and commands that he keep typing. The "His username is Allison? His password is also Allison?" bit still happens.

The next Peter and Stiles scene is exactly the same, with Noel once again taking Stiles' lines.

Stiles and Peter's "give me your keys" scene is replaced with Peter telling Noel to "give [him his] phone." Noel reluctantly does, and Peter breaks it in half which makes Noel groan in frustration. Peter goes to his car, and Noel asks "So you aren't gonna kill me?"

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