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Noel makes his first appearance in the locker room. After the canon lines of Scott and Isaac talking with the sheriff, Scott asks "What do we do about Noel?"

The sheriff looks across the room to where Noel is sitting on the bench with his head in his hands, pulling on his hair and rocking subtly back and forth. Isaac narrows his eyes and asks "Well, where are Jackson's parents? He should be with them."

"They took off to the hospital the minute Melissa said Jackson was unresponsive," the sheriff says, Scott's jaw dropping in disbelief.

"They just left him here and forgot all about him?! After his cousin died right in front of him, while he's in their freaking custody?" he asks, the sheriff shrugging and shaking his head like he agrees with Scott but knows he can't say anything.

After a beat, he suggests "How about I just take him with me, I can give him a ride to the hospital after I get this Stiles business sorted out. Or he can stay at my place for a while if he wants to be away from everything for a little while."

Scott looks at Noel again, who is now sitting with Danny, the two boys holding hands silently while they stare at the floor. Scott nods, saying "Yeah, I think that's what he needs right now. Thanks."

The sheriff nods and makes them promise to call him if they hear anything about Stiles. They agree, and the sheriff walks off.

After Scott breaks down Stiles' locker and tells Isaac they're gonna find him by scent, Noel comes over with bloodshot eyes. He sniffles, wiping his eyes and nose before saying "I wanna help."

"Noel, I don't think-" Scott begins, but Noel immediately cuts him off.

"Don't. Not now, Scott, please, just don't. I can help, I want to help, I can't think about this right now. I can't think about... Him."

Scott puts a hand on Noel's shoulder, nodding and handing the shirt in his hands to him. Noel smiles weakly and appreciatively in response, and Scott looks over and sees Derek standing there. Noel turns and looks at him too, a new wave of tears filling his eyes at the sight of his ex-boyfriend.

"We need to talk," Derek says, Peter stepping in behind him. "All of us," the man says, and the camera shows Scott and Noel. Noel now looks like he isn't going to burst into tears any time soon, and Scott says "Holy sh-"

The scene ends there and we go to Stiles in the basement with Erica and Boyd, telling them to "Shhhhh."

Clever, Teen Wolf. Clever.

Back in the locker room after the commercial, Scott asks "What the hell is this?"

Noel asks immediately after "Is this why I saw you in my dreams a few nights ago?" while pointing at Peter. Derek looks shocked, but shakes off the question (he's heard weirder things from Noel) and says "You know, Scott, I had the same question when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station."

"You what?" Noel asks, turning to Scott. Scott defends himself, saying "Hold on, he threatened to kill my mom."

"He what?" Noel asks, turning back to Derek. Scott continues "I had to get close to him, what was I supposed to do?"

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