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a/n: happy moonday, folks.

The episode starts with a boy (Donovan) being put in handcuffs as his lawyer (Tracy's dad) looks on. The sheriff looks in a hand mirror and makes a comment on how badly he needs a haircut, and Stiles steps in to tell him how lucky he is to have hair to cut at his age.

The sheriff is unamused, as Scott and Noel step into frame and the former comments that the man looks great. Noel nods his agreement, adding "You're gonna be a hit."

"Well thank you, sons I should have had," the sheriff says brightly, and Stiles looks a bit upset. It's hard to tell whether he's fake upset or genuinely so, but no one notices his expression as the sheriff wonders aloud if this was a bad idea.

Shutting down his second thoughts quickly, Stiles puts his hands on his dad's shoulders and reminds him that it's only one date. One date (with a woman or a man, he adds inclusively) won't cause Beacon Hills to implode, as the sheriff comments that the woman in question's identity is none of their business.

Stiles reiterates that he wants to know, as Scott and Noel smile at one another and the door to the sheriff's station opens.

Tracy's dad assures Donovan that while it's not what they were hoping for, the DA's offer is reasonable, and the boy asks what exactly is reasonable. When he doesn't receive an answer, he asks again more forcefully, as Parrish asks if there's gonna be a problem.

Mr. Stewart says it's fine, then explains to Donovan that the DA is looking to put him away for 3-5 years. Donovan looks disheartened as Mr. Stewart insists they go peacefully and try and figure out a plea bargain that will only give Donovan two years.

In an outburst of rage, Donovan calls out to the sheriff, threatening that he's going to kill him. The sheriff doesn't seem fazed, as if he's heard that from the boy before, reminding him that his hatred was well-documented in his anger expression inventory. He tells the deputies to take him away, but Donovan isn't finished, going into detail on how he isn't just mad, he has plans to stab the sheriff to death.

"And when you look at me, and you ask me why, remember right now. Because this is why," Donovan says almost smugly, with a strong conviction behind it. To his knowledge of his capabilities, he means what he says, and that visibly puts Noel at unease.

"Wow. That was awesome. That was awesome, that was great," Stiles says with his arms crossed, stoic and almost challenging, as everyone turns to look at him. "Can we do one more, give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time? You know?"

When Donovan just stares at him, Stiles continues. "Okay, you know what, it's fine. You'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in a tiny little cell. You know, just stuck there. Forever."

Donovan nods and smiles like it's funny, making to turn around, before launching at the four of them. He's apprehended by the deputies, but that doesn't stop Scott and Noel from casually both moving in front of Stiles. The sheriff commands that his deputies get the boy out of the station, and once he's gone, Scott breaks the silence.

"What the hell's an anger expression inventory?" he asks, eyes still locked onto the front door of the station. Stiles answers, "It's a test you take when you're planning to become a deputy."

"That guy wanted to be a cop?" the alpha asks in shock, Noel almost laughing as he says "Well, he's definitely getting a firsthand look at law enforcement now."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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