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As the episode starts, we see Scott laying in bed at night as he gets a call from Stiles. All he hears is static and heavy breathing, as Stiles says he doesn't know where he is or how he got there.

Scott tries to reassure him, asking if he can see anything. Stiles says he can't see in the dark, and that there's something wrong as the line suddenly dies.

Scott calls back, but keeps getting Stiles' voicemail, until Stiles calls him back himself. He says he doesn't think he can get out of wherever he is, because he can't move, as Scott asks again where he is.

Stiles says he thinks his leg is stuck and bleeding, and that there's a horrible smell that's making his eyes water.

Scott offers to call Stiles' dad, but Stiles begs him not to, saying he already worries enough about him. Stiles begs him not to call his dad and pleads with Scott to come and find him without letting his dad know, saying he'll call right back before hanging up. Scott begs Stiles not to hang up, but he does anyway, and Scott is left standing there shaken.

We see him back on the phone as he turns the lamp on in an abrupt jump cut, saying "Just please, get to Stiles' house, as fast as you can. Are you with Derek? No, Noel, please, just get over there as fast as you can, right now!"

Still on the phone with Noel, Scott wakes Isaac and tells him to get dressed too, because Stiles is in trouble. Noel asks through the speaker what's wrong with Stiles, Scott admitting he doesn't know as we cut to Aiden and Lydia at the school.

After the two have a lighthearted exchange about modeling, Lydia hears something, turning her head toward the sound. She stands up and asks if Aiden hears the same voices she does, coming from the radio as we hear Stiles begging someone to come find him.

Stiles calls Scott back as he and Isaac go downstairs, Scott promising he only told Isaac and Noel, not his dad. Stiles says he's in some sort of basement, bigger than one in a house, probably industrial. He says he has to go because the phone is dying, and Scott asks why he's whispering.

"Because I think there's someone in here with me," he breathes out as the credits roll.

Kira's mom gives her a new lightbulb after hers breaks, and we see Scott and Isaac enter Stiles' room where Aiden, Lydia, and Noel are already waiting. Scott asks how they knew and when they got there, Lydia telling Scott she heard Stiles. She says her powers aren't any more confusing than Stiles' current room situation, all red lines on his boards tied to a pair of scissors on his bed.

"He uses red to symbolize unsolved cases, maybe he thinks he's linked to some of these," Noel suggests, Isaac saying "Or he's the unsolved case."

"Hold on, is he still out there? And you don't know where he is?" Lydia asks, Scott relaying the industrial basement vague location.

"We came here to get a better scent," Isaac says to back Scott up, as Noel adds "We didn't see much else we could do, especially since we aren't all that great at remembering scents to the letter."

"What else did he say?" Lydia asks, as Noel says "He says his leg is hurt, and that it's bleeding."

"And that he's freezing," Isaac adds, as Lydia asks "Freezing? What, like you froze at the Glen Capri?"

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