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a/n : happy one year anniversary, noel mathis whittemore. thanks for bringing me so much happiness. and to my readers, enjoy season two episode one! , noah.

Noel's first appearance of the season is (unsurprisingly) in the opening credits. He is shown between Derek/Tyler and Lydia/Holland. His intro scene portrays him looking over his shoulder briefly before facing away from the camera as a clawed hand rips his shirt in half and reveals the Hale triskelion on his back. Holland's scene then rolls.

Though you may expect him to be, Noel is not with Stiles when he sits waiting to visit Lydia in her hospital room. Instead, he is first seen after Scallison's steamy scene.

After Scott says "Then we're dead!" to Allison in canon, we get a comedic/dramatic music cue before we cut to the Hale house. Noel is carrying half empty boxes and garbage bags from upstairs to downstairs, a smile on his lips as he does so. He brings down an unlabeled box and lays it down on top of another, wiping dust off his hands and looking over his shoulder. He smiles slightly and asks in the general direction over his shoulder "If you could do that, why did you call me to come and help you?"

The camera cuts to Derek carrying two boxes under one arm and three on his shoulder. He looks at Noel and says with raised eyebrows "Why would I want to do it alone if I could have you to help?"

Noel rolls his eyes and takes the boxes one by one from Derek, and when he finishes stacking them, he crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "Are you saying that in an 'I want my boyfriend to keep me company' way, or an 'I don't want to do all this work by myself because I'm lazy' way?"

Derek's hands slide to rest on Noel's waist, shrugging his shoulders and saying "A bit of both, you could say. But what have I said about using the B-word?"

In an attempt to avoid the question completely, Noel asks one of his own. "Where exactly are you moving again?" he asks, looking down and back at the boxes on the floor behind him. Derek takes his chin and tilts it so Noel is once again facing toward him, saying "You'll see it soon enough. Relax." With that he plants a kiss on Noel's forehead, after which the scene cuts back to Victoria Argent, barging in on Allison and almost catching Scott.

After Lydia's first going missing scene, we go back to Derek and Noel, sitting and talking on the front steps of the Hale house when Noel gets a text. He takes out his phone and knits his eyebrows together as he reads the text before sighing softly.

"What's wrong?" Derek asks, Noel shaking his head and saying "I have to go. It's Scott."

Derek seems a bit annoyed but nods, and just as Noel has stood up to leave, Derek grabs his wrist and pulls him back down. He gives him a quick kiss before letting him go, Noel smiling and walking off toward a car that we've never seen before. He gets in and drives away in it down the road toward town.

Derek is shown watching Noel drive away for a few seconds, and when the boy is for sure gone, he stands and takes off running into the woods.

Later when Stiles brings Lydia's hospital gown out to Scott, Noel is sitting in the backseat of the jeep.

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