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The episode opens with Scott taking dinner to his mom as she works at the hospital. While there he finds Danny, complaining of chest pains and having trouble breathing. Danny then throws up and Ethan, who brought him in, comments that the boy threw up mistletoe.

After Danny gets situated in a room and his breathing is stabilized, Scott goes to leave the hospital and Ethan follows him. Ethan tells Scott he knows he won't believe him, but he swears he didn't do anything to hurt Danny.

Scott isn't convinced, accusing Ethan of having an ulterior motive by pointing out that him and his brother set their sights on Danny and Lydia the second they got to Beacon Hills. Ethan promises that it wasn't their intention to hurt either of them, and that they only attached to them because they knew one of them was going to be important to "him".

After he says this a car pulls into the parking lot straight into another car, and when Scott looks inside he finds nothing but a single moth in the driver's seat.


After the credits, Stiles and Noel are now there, standing with Scott as he talks to the sheriff. Scott informs him that two doctors have gone missing (the one that was driving the car and the attending ER physician).

The sheriff tells Melissa he wants to get her side of the story before he talks with the boys too much, so the three of them step away to let them talk.

The sheriff tells Melissa he wants to get her side of the story before he talks with the boys too much, so the three of them step away to let them talk

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"These are definitely sacrifices, right?" Scott asks, Stiles saying "That's one that Deaton mentioned. Healers."

"But what about Danny? He threw up mistletoe, that's not a coincidence. If he hadn't have been with Ethan, he probably would have died. Danny's not a healer," Scott says, trying to come to any conclusion.

Noel perks his head up a bit, knitting his eyebrows together and asking "Scott, did you hear that?" Scott turns to look at the sheriff where he's listening to his radio, and he turns to face Noel before nodding.

"What, what happened?" Stiles asks, and Noel tells him that the police found a body.

In the next scene Deucalion walks up to the scene with one of the twins (I honestly cannot tell them apart), and Chris Argent watches the twin tell him what's happening.

After that, at the loft, an alarm starts going off. Derek rushes to silence the alarm, Cora walking in and asking Derek what the symbol on the window means. Derek turns to see the alpha pack symbol painted on his window, and he tells her that it means the alphas are coming tonight.

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