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The episode opens where the last one ended, in the basement with Peter and Derek being violently electrocuted.

A man appears to be the culprit who kidnapped them, and he makes a comment about the equipment being too old to be accurate when telling how much power it's emitting. Peter tells him it's a bit high, but the man just turns it even higher and tells the two men that sometimes they don't even know when someone is dead because they shake so much after their hearts have stopped. However, Peter and Derek are still breathing, as the man tells them it can all be over if they just tell him where "la loba" is.

"We don't know what a 'la loba' is," Derek insists, the man suggesting they just need a different method of persuasion, like cutting one of them in half so the other will talk. Peter tells him he would love to talk, but they truly don't know, and accuses the man of having a taste that's a little medieval when it comes to his torture method with a broad sword. The man says that they're not savages, as another man steps forward with a chainsaw.

Derek glares at Peter, as the man says he's always been curious about how much a werewolf is able to heal. He notes that they can probably grow back their arms, but not their heads, as the second man holds the chainsaw up to Derek's neck. Derek looks more annoyed and angry at Peter than anything else, as a woman steps in to stop the man from chopping Derek's head off.

The woman, Araya Calavera, steps into the room and says "No tiene que ser tan duro" which translates to "it doesn't have to be that hard."

Derek (in Spanish) tells the woman that he doesn't speak Spanish, to which she replies "Tu hablas muchos idiomas, Derek Hale" (you speak many languages, Derek Hale). She informs him that she's certain he knows what she's saying, and that he knows what they want. She approaches him with a knife, asking sharply where the "She-Wolf" is. Derek insists that he doesn't know a She-Wolf, and she tells him that she knows he won't talk, calling him "lobito" (little wolf) almost mockingly. She then rounds on Peter, saying that she knows he'll talk, because he loves the sound of his own voice.

Peter tells her she should hear him sing, but the man says he wants to hear him scream. Peter laments to Derek about no one wanting to hear him sing, Derek looking absolutely done with his uncle. Araya asks Peter what she can do to persuade him, putting the knife up to his face as his claws extend reflexively. She asks him once more where the She-Wolf is, and when Peter refuses to talk, she chops one of his fingers off and relishes in his screams.

"Think about it. I'm only going to ask you nine more times," she says threateningly, stabbing his finger onto the table by the claw and walking out of frame as the intro begins.

After the intro, we cut right back to the woods from the previous episode, Scott and Noel running together after Malia. After a few shots of them running together and keeping pace with one another, they run into Stiles, who says he thinks he found something. "So did we," Scott says, a bit out of breath, Noel just the same beside him.

Stiles leads the two werewolves in the next scene, up a small hill illuminated by Stiles' flashlight. Stiles arrives to their destination, a small den with a stuffed bear inside and some clothes, including a blue jacket that the boys had previously seen on her in a photo. Scott picks up the bear briefly before setting it down, saying that they shouldn't be here. Stiles asks why, Scott explaining "She's not going to come back now, we just invaded her home. Our scent's going to be everywhere."

"Well if she's not coming back here, where will she go?" Stiles asks, Noel answering "Probably some other den, there's no way to say for sure."

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