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The season starts with an overhead shot of a city in Mexico. Noel and Lydia walk onscreen and look around, seeing the locals, Noel commenting optimistically "Looks pretty okay to me."

"It's not the town I'm worried about, it's the plan," Lydia argues, as Noel says "Hm... Elaborate."

"Elaboration: This could be the stupidest plan we've ever tried to execute. You can see that, can't you," she asks him, as he shrugs and says "I mean, yeah, but... It's the only plan we have."

"God, we're gonna die," Lydia says and starts walking, Noel following after her and asking "Banshee wise, pride wise, life wise, how?"

"Like I'm a person who doesn't want to die but knows she's going to," Lydia supplies, Noel nodding thoughtfully. "Yeah, guess that makes the most sense. I mean, I'm here to protect you, if that's what you're worried about."

"I think we both know you only have one life that needs saving on your mind," Lydia teases, Noel gasping and telling her "Lydia, how dare you! The nerve! The insinuation!"

They fade to a bit later that day, approaching a door guarded by two men. Lydia asks in broken Spanish if this is where the party is, one of the guards shaking his head. Noel licks his lips, presenting a card with a skull on it.

The guards look up to their security camera, and when Noel shows the skull to the camera, they're allowed in. Noel walks in first, holding his hand out to Lydia to help her up the steps.

The door closes behind them and they share a look as they walk down a hallway hand in hand, noticing how much the walls shake as Noel opens the door at the end of the hallway and enters a club.

The man from Derek's "dream," Severo, overlooks the party and announces the arrival of the two teens on his walkie talkie.

Noel and Lydia approach the bar, being served shots, as Noel confusedly inspects his. Severo comes behind them and grips their shoulders, asking "What's wrong, mijos? American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse drinks."

"We're flattered, but we didn't come here to drink," Lydia says deadpan, dropping the casing of a bullet with the same skull as the card into her shot.

Araya Calavera tells Noel and Lydia, who sit offscreen now in her office, that she loves the music of " youth," as Noel says "Well, the music of my youth is more Taylor Swift and Hozier, but-!"

Lydia elbows him hard, as Araya says calmly "Well, no harm in that, to each his own. I like this music; It has a savage energy."

"We're here for Derek Hale," Lydia says calmly, Araya asking with a smile "Is that so?"

"We know you have him," Lydia replies with her composure maintained, and when Araya says nothing, Noel adds "We also hear that you can be bought."

He starts putting stacks of cash on Araya's desk, saying "Here it is. $50,000. For Derek Hale."

"Now where does a teenage werewolf get money like this?" Araya asks, and making it hard to discern whether she's joking or not, she suggests "Japanese mafia?"

A gun cocks next to Lydia, then one next to Noel, as he says shockingly calmly "No, ma'am, you have it wrong, I assure you. It's part of my inheritance, from the death of my parents."

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