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The season opens with a shot of Eichen House, where we see a girl with bruises showering. A female orderly hurries her, but the girl ignores her, and when she approaches we see that the girl showering is actually Lydia.

The orderly says her name, but Lydia is essentially catatonic, and we move on to her walking down the hall at Eichen House before entering a line of cells. The female orderly encourages Lydia's doctor to up her dosage of medication, and the doctor promises Lydia he'll be gentle as he gives her an injection.

Lydia remains unresponsive, even as the doctor misses her vein on his first pass, after which he goes for one of the veins in her head. He motions like he plans to stab her in the temple, but she rises with a scream, and is quickly surrounded by orderlies. She fights them off surprisingly well, and uses her powers to push one of them back. She escapes, taking down three guards, and runs into the night before seeing Aiden waiting for her in the rain.

"Sorry, Lydia, but your treatment's not done. Not yet," he says calmly, as Lydia is hit in the back with an electric prod, and she begs to be let go because all her friends are going to die.

The credits roll. Noel's billing and scene is the same, but now as he leans back to dodge the slow-motion punch, his eyes glow orange before he rises and stretches to flex his Hale pack tattoo.

Scott sits on the hood of the jeep, looking up at the night sky as Stiles lists off a variety of three bedroom apartments he seems to have researched.

Noel walks in from the back of the jeep, shrugging his shoulders and readjusting his signature leather jacket. His hair is even longer, and his curls are more defined as he runs his left hand through them. A white gold ring shines in the moonlight on his finger as Scott asks "Hey, what about Berkeley? Don't a lot of students live around there?"

"Yeah. We could try Nob Hill, but the jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches," Stiles says, as Noel asks "You're bringing the jeep?"

"You know the plan, Noel, no one gets left behind. That's the plan," he insists, as Scott points out "Why don't we just take a gap year, and all live at the loft with Noel?"

Noel points at him in agreement, tempting "We don't have to pay rent there, and it gives us time to make some money so we can afford a place like Haight-Ashbury or Nob Hill."

Obviously unimpressed, Stiles gives Noel a narrow-eyed glare, saying "I'm not taking a gap year, it's out of the question. So neither are you, because again, no one gets left behind. Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford, Kira's thinking USF, Malia's uh... Gonna... Y'know, she'll figure something out, okay? The plan is perfect."

"Or we can wait until we actually get into college and then figure out where to live," Scott says through a smile, as Stiles pouts "I have a vision, dude, okay, and it is a beautiful vision, don't ruin the vision."

Noel leans his side against the jeep and, ever the king of casual affection, rests his head on Scott's arm. Scott doesn't seem to mind or even really notice, still looking up at the stars as Noel asks "What if I wanna go out and find Derek after I graduate?"

"You don't, you're perfectly happy screwing around with Mason," Stiles assures him, Noel firing back immediately "We aren't screwing around! We've been on a handful of dates, and we held hands once."

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