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(a/n: there are some canonical inconsistencies in this chapter. i figured if the show could be inconsistent with things like character ages and what exact years certain events happened, then dammit, so can i. hope you enjoy this chapter either way!)

Noel is first seen after the scene with the Argents discussing Victoria's fate.

"I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is gonna be too hurt to heal," Derek says as he walks with Scott and Noel through the depot and onto the train.

"I get it. We can't save Jackson," Scott says, Noel cutting in. "Do you two have no sympathy? He didn't choose to be a kanima, he's still him, and we can still do more to bring him back!"

"We can't save him, but we can't seem to kill him either," Derek says, Noel's shoulders relaxing a bit. He still seems angry, but less after Derek's words.

"I've seen a lot of things. But I've never seen anything like this. And a new moon's just gonna make him stronger."

"Then how do we stop him?" Scott asks, Derek shrugging and admitting that he doesn't know. "Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it," Noel suggests, his voice wavering a bit.

"I'm the one who turned him. This is all my fault," Derek says, Noel sitting beside him and putting an arm around his shoulders.

"You didn't turn him into this," Scott says reassuringly, Noel adding on "When you bit him, you expected him to just turn, like me or Scott. You didn't ask for this, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known."

"This is all happening because of something in his past," Scott continues, Derek arguing "That's a legend in a book, it's not that simple."

"What do you mean? What are you not telling us?" Scott asks, Derek saying "Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"

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"What do you mean? What are you not telling us?" Scott asks, Derek saying "Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"

"Because you always are!" Scott says angrily.

"Well maybe I do it to protect you," Derek suggests, and this time Noel cuts in and says "Doesn't all of us being part of a pack mean no more keeping secrets? We should have told you about the plan at the rave, you should have told us about the plan to kill Lydia. Us all keeping secrets from each other has been our downfall way more times than it should have already. Why do we keep letting petty secrets put us in danger?"

"Go home, both of you. Sleep, heal, make sure everyone's safe." Derek says, not looking at Scott and Noel. "The full moon's coming, and with the way things are going, I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a rough one."

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