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a/n: sorry this chapter's up so late!! i promise it's still monday where i am, the day totally got away from me and updating slipped my mind. but here it is, i hope you enjoy!

We open shortly after where we left off, deputies on the roof examining the scene of the crime. The sheriff gets everyone out, telling Parrish he has an expert coming in, and suddenly Derek and Noel are on the roof together surveying the damage.

The sheriff tells the two that Scott said the boy called himself a wendigo, Derek confirming "Cannibalistic shapeshifters, but I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time."

"Do you think the nemeton drew them in," Noel asks as he looks down at the boy, Derek responding "That, or they were well hidden."

He turns and looks around a bit, asking the sheriff how many people Scott had said were up on the roof. The sheriff relays that it was just the wendigo and the mouthless man, but Derek looks at the edge of the roof and sees blood on the ledge. He says that someone else was there, just as Noel's phone rings and he says "It's Scott... I'll tell you everything I find out."

He leaves then, Derek watching him go as he tells the sheriff that he can smell the presence of a young male who was scared and bloodied on the roof.

At Scott's house, Noel says "Derek and the sheriff are at the hospital right now doing investigations based on what you guys told them. They're trying to figure things out."

"Stiles, did you tell your dad about Liam?" Scott asks nervously, as Stiles points out that Scott barely even told him about Liam.

"What about Liam? Where is he?" Noel asks as he follows the boys upstairs, Scott insisting that he's upstairs lying down. We then see Liam wrapped in duct tape with his mouth covered as well in Scott's bathtub. Stiles closes the shower curtain, and we cut to the boys sitting down on Scott's bed.

"So you bit him?" Stiles asks, Scott admitting to it. Noel seems unamused, asking "Then you kidnapped him?"

"Yeah," Scott sighs out, explaining "I panicked." "Obviously," Noel agrees and laughs nervously, covering his face with his hands and rubbing it nervously. Stiles tells Scott that his plans always seem to suck, and Scott tells the two of them that that's why he called them. Their plans are usually better than his. He asks them what to do, and then suddenly Liam is in a chair, and Stiles explains that they'll take the tape off his mouth if he agrees to stay quiet.

When the tape is off, Stiles tries to explain things in a convoluted way to Liam, and when the boy doesn't understand, Noel says "Scott, maybe you should take the floor?"

Scott nods, telling Liam that what he had to do to save him is going to change him. "If it doesn't kill you," Stiles adds, and after a glare from Noel, he admits "Uh, probably shouldn't have said that."

"No, definitely not," Noel agrees, telling Liam "It didn't kill me. Or Scott. Or any of the others. Almost killed my cousin, though, but that's sort of a different story, and... I shouldn't have said any of that either."

Liam starts to cry, scared for his life, Scott reassuring him that he's gonna be alright as the three of them start to untie him. When he's free, the boys apologize, and Liam's scared act drops as he picks up his chair and breaks it across Scott's back. Stiles asks him what the hell his problem is, and promptly gets punched in the face.

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