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The episode opens right where the last one ended, with Stiles, Scott, and Noel just inside the doors of the school. Stiles realizes he dropped his metal cutters outside the doors, and says to Scott "Hold Noel, I have to go get it."

"Stiles, don't," Scott begs, but grabs Noel anyway. Noel struggles his way out of Scott's arms, panting in fear and saying "Stiles, let me get it. I can see if Derek's okay if I go."

Stiles says "No, I'm doing it. Just don't come out and try to save me if it attacks me. Save yourselves."

Scott and Noel yell as Stiles steps outside to grab his cutters, and when he gets inside successfully, Noel grabs him and pulls him in while Scott blocks the door. The three of them look out of the windows and see that the alpha is gone for now, and when they hear howling, they all run into a random classroom.

In the classroom during Scott and Stiles' exchange, Noel takes over Stiles' "He killed Derek" line. It's obvious that Noel cares deeply about Derek. Scott asks "What do we do?" and Noel says "We get out of here. Either in the camaro or the jeep, doesn't matter, but we have to get out."

"And you start seriously thinking about quitting your job, Scott," Stiles says to Scott, and the three boys go to the window to find a way out.

When Scott suggests that they'll have to run really fast to escape from the alpha, Noel says "You really don't sound too sure about this plan."

When Scott points out the bent hood of Stiles' jeep, Noel says "Jeez, that's gonna cost a pretty penny to fix."

"Nothing a hammer and some TLC won't fix for free," Stiles says before the battery of the car breaks through the window. Noel pants from where he sits on the ground staring at the battery, and says "You think a hammer and some TLC is gonna fix that for free?"

 Noel pants from where he sits on the ground staring at the battery, and says "You think a hammer and some TLC is gonna fix that for free?"

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Cue the intro.

When the boys flee the classroom and are trying to think of a place with only a few windows, Noel is the one who suggests they go to the locker room. The three run there and lock themselves in.

When Scott suggests that they take Derek's car and go, Noel says "If we're gonna raid his dead body for his car keys, the least we can do is take him with us and dump him at the hospital."

"Why do you care so much about Derek?" Stiles asks Noel, but he doesn't respond. The boys move to leave the locker room when Scott stops them and makes them be quiet. It's revealed then that there's something at the door, and they all hide in their lockers.

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