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Noel is first seen in the locker room scene that starts the episode. After Scott tells Stiles about Chris Argent shooting him (specific lines: "Remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them." "Her dad?" "Shot me..." "Allison's father?!" "...with a crossbow.") Noel walks up and says "What are we saying about crossbows?" He starts tying all the laces of his lacrosse uniform, oblivious to the severity of the conversation happening right in front of him.

Neither Stiles nor Scott elaborate, which makes Noel jump even more aggressively than he would have when Scott yells "YES, HER FATHER!!" While Scott and Stiles have their lines that run all over each other, Noel is standing parallel to the camera, saying things like "What's happening? What are we talking about? Whose father?" He follows Stiles and Scott out of the locker room to the lacrosse field on coach's whistle, getting in one last "Whose father?" before the camera cuts.

During lacrosse practice in the next scene, Coach yells "Whittemore!" Both Jackson and Noel look up, the latter looking excited and hopeful. Coach yells "Not you, the good one!" to which Noel frowns and Jackson smirks, slamming his shoulder roughly into Noel's. Noel jogs off while Jackson follows Coach's orders to get a long stick for practice that day.

Noel stands behind Stiles and Scott in the line for shooting practice, his face a mirror image of Stiles' with concern for Scott as his anger takes over him.

Out of familial necessity, he doesn't go to Scott's side after his collision with Jackson. He instead goes to his cousin, watching as Stiles and Scott jog off the field together. As he watches, he sees Derek, his eyes widening when Derek makes eye contact with him before the screen flashes to black.

Noel is not seen or mentioned again until the skype call between Scott and Stiles. When Scott asks Stiles what he found out, Stiles replies "Well, according to Noel, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder." The scene continues in alignment with canon.

Later in the episode when Scott meets Allison in the hallway, their conversation is kept 100% canon, Allison simply adding "Tell Stiles and Noel to come too." instead of just "Tell Stiles to come too."

When Scott goes to confront Derek about Allison later in the episode, Derek's line changes slightly to not name drop neither Stiles nor Noel ("You think your little buddies can just Google 'werewolves' and now you have all the answers. Is that it?"). After the initial conversation but before throwing the lacrosse stick for Scott to catch, Derek adds "And by the way, tell your little Whittemore friend to stay the hell off my property."

"Jackson was here?" Scott asks, shocked for lack of a better word at the revelation.

"Not him. The other one," Derek says.

"Noel? He's hardly my friend," Scott says and stares at Derek in disbelief.

Derek looks amused, saying "Good. Then it'll be easy for you to tell him I'll kill him the next time I see him around here."

With that, Derek throws the lacrosse stick and disappears. As Scott looks around for him, Noel can be seen hidden in the treeline, listening in on the conversation looking horrified and breathing heavily. The scene cuts.

NOEL WHITTEMOREWhere stories live. Discover now