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[ TRIGGER WARNING — semi-detailed depiction of suicide. Read at your own discretion. ]

At the start of the episode, Stiles and Scott are both yelling around and looking for Noel. When Scott gets distracted by Allison, Stiles keeps going and asking around for Noel.

When Jackson finishes his talk with Scott and walks away, Scott calls after him and says "Doesn't it bother you at all that Noel wasn't here tonight?"

Jackson stops and laughs, saying over his shoulder "You still like to think that I care about that idiot, don't you, McCall? Just because he's related to me?" He turns to face Scott fully, saying "There's room for one starting Whittemore on this lacrosse team, and that's me. It will never be Noel. Are we clear?"

He walks away again after that, leaving Scott stunned and looking like he's reconsidering something (the way he and Stiles have been treating Noel).

After Stiles tells Scott they have a huge problem and Scott acknowledges it, we cut to Noel at the Hale house standing over Laura's grave in tears. He yells down at the empty space "I don't know that you want! You want me to 'find him, and tell you', but I still don't know what that means!"

Suddenly, Laura appears in front of Noel. He is unfazed by her sudden appearance, just letting his tears fall freely.

"I thought you meant find who the alpha is and tell you, but you know. You know it was Peter. You saw him before he killed you, you know who he is, so who do you want me to find? What do you want me to tell you?"

Laura smiles sadly and puts a hand on Noel's shoulder, over his leather jacket. It looks a bit dirty but still the same and undeniably Derek's, something that appears to bring tears to Laura's eyes. She doesn't look at him, just touches the jacket almost thoughtfully. Noel looks down at her hand as she says "Find him and tell me... If he's making the right decision..."

It suddenly clicks. Noel looks up at her in shock and says "You're talking about Derek... You want to know if he's being smart about this whole alpha situation."

Laura looks ready to cry, saying "Go find him, and tell me. Please."

Noel nods and zips up the jacket, running off in the opposite direction as we cut to Allison in bed.

Noel is in the car with Jackson later in the episode, in the passenger's seat looking horrified. "Jackson, why aren't we going toward our house right now?" he asks in terror as he holds onto the handle above him, but Jackson ignores him, shifts gears, and goes faster. When Jackson notices the light on in his car and gets angry, Noel says "Well what the hell did you expect was going to happen?" Jackson glares at Noel and gets out of the car, Noel doing the same. When they see the car roll up and Chris come out, Noel's eyes widen and he looks ready to run.

 When they see the car roll up and Chris come out, Noel's eyes widen and he looks ready to run

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