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The episode opens at the hospital during a severe thunderstorm, as Melissa takes charge in evacuating patients and keeping things organized. One of the doctors tells her that all of his patients have been cleared and are out of the building, sans Cora Hale, and we go upstairs to where Peter stands dabbing at Cora's forehead with a cloth and asking into the hall when they're going to get Cora out of the hospital.

Melissa comes in to get her out, but when she sees Peter she has a brief moment of shock when she realizes that he's supposed to be dead. He tells her that he gets that a lot, as Cora's pulse spikes and she vomits mistletoe and black blood.

At the loft, Jennifer runs in calling out for Derek. He tells her he's there, and they embrace briefly while Jennifer informs him about what happened at the recital, quote, "before [Scott and Stiles] can tell [him] lies."

He promises her that he'll listen to her, and she kisses him before pulling back and asking coldly if the boys are there already as if she sensed the deception from his kiss alone. Derek looks over Jennifer's shoulder, as Scott, Stiles, and Noel walk out from behind a corner. She turns to look at them as well, and asks Derek if the boys told him she was the one taking people.

Scott corrects that they told him she was the one killing people, and she decides to try and get to Noel and convince him she's not a murderer, because he wasn't at the recital and wouldn't have any firsthand knowledge of what she had done. She plays up the innocent teacher act, telling Noel that she has yet to grade his latest essay, but she's sure it's fantastic "like all his other work."

Noel doesn't fall for it for a second, keeping his jaw set and his shoulders squared as Stiles asks her where his dad is. She turns to Derek and begs him not to believe them, trying to discredit the boys, but Derek asks simply if Jennifer knows what happened to Stiles' father.

Jennifer denies knowing anything, and Scott suggests that Derek ask her why she tried to kill Lydia. Once again, she denies knowing anything about that, and Noel asks loudly "Then what do you know?"

Jennifer looks up at Derek and tells him pathetically that she knows that the boys are trying to fill Derek's head with stories and lies that they can't prove

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Jennifer looks up at Derek and tells him pathetically that she knows that the boys are trying to fill Derek's head with stories and lies that they can't prove.

Without changing his expression, Scott tells her matter of factly that they can prove it. He uncaps a bottle of mistletoe and throws it at her, revealing her true form as the Darach. All four boys watch in shock, Jennifer trying to run but Derek catching her easily. He brandishes his claws as she begs him to stop, and she tells him that she's the only one that can save Cora.

She then tells him to call Peter.

On the phone with Peter a beat later, the man says Cora is in and out of consciousness and vomiting black blood and mistletoe. Derek squeezes Jennifer's neck and some cracks are heard, and Scott tries to get Derek to stop with a call of his name. Derek doesn't stop however, and Stiles tries to get him to let her go, to no avail as well. Jennifer mentions that they'll never find the sheriff if she's dead, and Noel yells out in a voice that is only half his own and with a flash of Laura's signature red eyes "Derek, put her down!!"

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