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The episode opens with a girl (Tracy) having a meeting with Ms. Martin and mentioning her newfound night terrors. We see an example of one such night terror, a crow pecking her bedroom skylight followed by the steampunk figures from the last episode (who will remain unnamed until canonically appropriate) invading her room and pulling her chair from under her as she tries to seal her skylight.

As the scene with Ms. Martin concludes with the woman telling Tracy night terrors and nightmares are fairly common, Tracy coughs violently and sweeps the contents off Ms. Martin's desk. She hunches over and vomits a large puddle of inky black fluid and bird feathers, Ms. Martin watching in shock.

"Is this common?" Tracy asks sarcastically, as the credits roll.

After the credits, Scott and Deaton share a scene at the vet clinic where Scott gives a little girl's dog an injection. Once the dog is back with his owner, Scott returns to the table, and the two discuss the claws (talons, as corrected by Deaton) that Scott collected after their attack the previous episode.

Deaton theorizes that someone somewhere is trying to change the stone set rules of the supernatural world, and we head to the sheriff's station with Stiles.

Stiles is in the middle of a rant about Theo to his father, who appears completely dismissive.

"Dad, this kid is a werewolf," Stiles points out to convince his father to listen, but the sheriff points right back "Your best friends are werewolves. You're dating a werecoyote. I still don't know what Kira's supposed to be, but when flying monkeys come soaring through the station, you will have my undivided attention. Until then, just go to school."

"...What did you do?" Stiles asks out of nowhere, increasing proximity to his father trying to see what's different about him. The sheriff again commands that he go to school, Stiles bargaining that he'll go to school if his dad does a full background check on the Raekens.

The sheriff denies his terms, so Stiles turns like he means to ask Parrish instead as we go to the school.

Malia sums up Stiles' background check findings, that all there is is an eight year old speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad, aka nothing.

Unprompted, Malia tells Stiles how attractive she thinks Theo is, and Stiles changes the subject to his plan to catch Theo in the act of some type of crime.

Speaking of the devil, Theo is then dropped off at school, and he waves with a smile at Malia and Stiles. Malia asks her boyfriend why he's so suspicious of Theo, Stiles explaining that the Theo they're seeing isn't the Theo he remembers from fourth grade.


Scott walks into school, seeing all the people laughing and walking in the halls. Kira comes up and greets him, the two sharing a kiss as Mason and Liam come in as well.

"This is the one I was telling you about, I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany. It cost me $200 but it was totally worth it," Mason says as he excitedly flips the pages, Liam asking exasperatedly if he's still reading about "this stuff."

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