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a/n: hello and happy valentine's day!! before we hop into 4x11, i just wanted to give a reminder that on my page, you can find a story titled "february" which is a halemore valentine's day special! if you're jonesing for some halemore cuteness (more than what you'll be getting in this chapter, anyway), feel free to head on over there and transport yourself back to season two. otherwise, enjoy this episode!

When the "Previously On" segment ends, we watch as a wendigo intimidates a girl he's captured with intentions to eat, but he's apprehended by Deaton and the girl is saved. He is returned to Eichen House, and after a warning from Dr. Fenris (see bonus episode "Search for a Cure"), Deaton speaks about Derek to a man named Valak, who has a literal third eye nestled in a hole on his forehead.


Melissa has found the Hale money that Scott has been keeping under his bed, insisting to him that he needs to return it to Derek. Scott promises that he's been meaning to, while also admitting that he's also been debating giving it to her and all his friends with financial troubles.

While flattered, Melissa deters him by handing him a stack of bills that's been turned red from the blood of whatever supernatural was killed in its proximity.

Mason and Liam play video games in Liam's room, and Liam all but begs Mason not to leave him alone. He moves to turn off his lamp and sleep, but casts a glance around his room before lying there riddled with anxiety and hearing growls and stomping.

He hallucinates a berserker once again, turning his lamp back on and looking around the room to ensure it's empty.

We see rain on the loft window, then Derek and Noel, lying in bed. Noel is asleep in a long-sleeved red shirt with thumb holes, and Derek is shirtless as usual, the two pressed together as Derek lies awake and looks off into the darkness.

Suddenly an alarm begins to sound, both of them sitting up and casting glances at a panel across the room with a flashing red light. Derek stares at the panel, saying "Noel, stay here. Braeden?"

"Yeah, yep," she acknowledges as she enters the room from down the hall, clad in a soft bralette and matching shorts with her gun in her hand.

Noel is sitting up in the bed now, ready to launch into the fray any minute should something start. Derek and Braeden move in perfect rhythm and sync throughout the loft, poised with their guns in their hands as they complete a lap through the space.

Shadows pass under the entrance to the loft, and Braeden gestures to it as Derek moves to slide it open. Noel's eyebrows quirk as he inhales, telling them sharply "Wait, stop, it's-"

Before he can finish, the door is thrown open and both humans raise their firearms, where it's revealed that Lydia was behind the intrusion. Before anyone can speak, she looks up at them, and unleashes a scream.


When we return, it's the next day, and Malia wakes Stiles up with a kiss. We then return to the loft, as Derek looks at the gym bag full of money and acknowledges it with a simple "Okay."

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