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The season opens with Stiles having a vivid nightmare, in which he sees the nemeton twice and has to fight to wake himself up.

When he finally does, his dad comes in to wake him properly, and he goes to school like nothing happened. We see him, Scott, and Noel all walking down some stairs together outside the school, Stiles explaining to them that the dream was like having sleep paralysis before explaining the sensation.

When they go inside, Noel tells him that that's rough, and that he used to feel like that sometimes whenever visions of Laura would come to him. Stiles brushes it off, saying "Yeah but, as crazy as it is to say, that was real. This was just a dream."

"Do you think the dream means anything?" Scott asks, Stiles continuing "What if what we did that night is still affecting us? Like post traumatic stress, or... Something."

They duck into a classroom, sitting down together as Stiles says "You know what scares me the most? I'm not even sure this is real."

Suddenly Stiles wakes up in his bed at home, screaming seemingly for his life. His father rushes in and holds him, telling him that it's okay as the credits start to roll.

Noel retains the same credit scene and remains in his new spot in the lineup, between Stiles/Dylan and Derek/Tyler.

The main three all get scenes of their morning before school, where Scott sees claws on his shadow (despite not having his claws out), Stiles can't properly read the title of his textbook because the letters are jumbled, and Allison sees visions of her aunt Kate before suddenly arriving at school as Lydia and Noel ask her if she's okay.

When Stiles and Scott meet up and both admit that they're seeing things, the girls walk in with Noel, Lydia saying that it's happening to all three of them (adding Allison into the mix).

When Stiles and Scott meet up and both admit that they're seeing things, the girls walk in with Noel, Lydia saying that it's happening to all three of them (adding Allison into the mix)

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Lydia walks into the front doors of the school and says smugly "Well well, look who's no longer the crazy one." Allison defends that they're not crazy, but Lydia retorts "Hallucinating, sleep paralysis, nah, you guys are fine."

"Well we did die and come back to life," Scott points out, "that's gotta have some side effects."

The bell rings and the five of them all agree to keep their eyes on each other, before the boys go to history class with their new teacher, Mr. Yukimura. He then introduces his daughter Kira to the class (in a rather embarrassing way) and Scott appears to take an immediate interest in her and vice versa.

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