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The episode opens at Beacon Hills Hospital, with Melissa, agent McCall, and the sheriff all dreading an incoming patient who stays anonymous through the opening scene (but, using the power of hindsight, we will refer to him henceforth as Barrow).

After that scene, we cut to Stiles in the locker room of the school, on the phone with Scott, begging him to get down to the school with him. Scott protests that he's already in bed, but Stiles insists that it's tradition as we see Noel, laying on one of the benches, passed out asleep as Stiles talks with Scott.

He threatens Scott that he'll kill him if he's not down there in five seconds, and after a count down to four, Scott appears (to Stiles' terror) directly behind him and says a cheerful "One."

We go then to Melissa, interviewing Barrow, a man who tried to murder a busful of students and succeeded in killing four of them and leaving a fifth without legs. He seems calm throughout the interview, until he begins to scream that he did what he did because he saw the students' eyes glowing, which shocks Melissa, who knows about the supernatural population.

Cue credits.

The next day at school ("Mischief Night", October 30th) Scott pulls in on his bike and sees the twins on their bikes beside him. He asks if they're finally back at school, but they say they're only there to talk.

Stiles walks up and comments that that's a change of pace for them, since they usually prefer maiming and injuring. Dismissively, they say in a hinting tone that Scott needs a pack and they need an alpha.

Noel then joins the group, putting an arm across Scott's shoulders and saying "Oh, no thank you, he's got the whole pack thing covered I think."

"That's hilarious, though, cute offer," Stiles adds, mirroring Noel with an arm slung across Scott's shoulders as he gently shrugs both his friends off.

The twins point out that they helped Scott when he needed help, but Stiles begs to differ, citing the fact that they beat him to a bloody mess, which was actually pretty counterproductive. Scott asks why he would say yes, but they protest that since they'd be making him stronger, there's no reason to say no.

"I can think of one," Noel says, glaring at them and hissing out "How about the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali murdered Boyd?"

"Solid point," Isaac says as he joins them, saying smugly "I don't see why we're not returning the favor right now."

The twins bare their teeth and dare Isaac to try, and just as Isaac steps closer threateningly, Scott grabs his wrist to stop him. Isaac seems to concede at that, Scott apologizing to the twins and informing them that his pack doesn't trust them and neither does he.

The four boys walk away into the school, Isaac lingering back for just a second to give them a look before following the others into school.

Ethan and Aiden look defeated, asking each other "What now?" They glance at the school sign in unison, Ethan asking his brother if he seriously wants to go back to high school. He asks if it's about Lydia, Aiden correcting that it's about getting into Scott's pack to save them from their newfound status as omegas.

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