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Noel is first mentioned when Lydia and Allison are in Allison's car driving to find Scott. Lydia asks Allison if she really thinks Scott's gonna know what the marks Braeden left on their arms are, and Allison says she doesn't think he knows either, but that he may know someone that does.

Lydia asks why she thinks the marks mean anything at all, and Allison points out that Braeden seemed almost desperate to find Scott. Lydia looks at the road and asks "Is that why we're not asking Noel to ask Derek?"

"Trust me, I wanna ask Noel just as much as you do," Allison says, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter. "But we can't ask him to talk to Derek right now."

Lydia sighs in defeat, looking out the window as the scene changes.

Stiles, Noel, and Scott are walking down a dark street, toward the camera. Stiles, out of nowhere, asks "What?"

"What do you mean 'what'?" Scott asks, he and Noel both looking at Stiles. "I mean what, and you both know what."

"I have no idea what 'what' you're talking about," Noel says, walking with his arms crossed.

"That look you two were giving me," Stiles says, Noel and Scott going to protest but Stiles insisting "It was a distinct look, especially from you, Scott."

"What look?" Scott asks one more time, Stiles finally elaborating "A look that says the last thing you guys feel like doing right now is going to a party."

"Oh please," Noel mumbles with a roll of his eyes, Scott saying "It's not that. It just seems a little weird to be going to a different high school's party."

Stiles fumbles for a second for a response, practically begging "One drink! Alright, you'll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, she promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So, tonight, no Allison, no Lydia, and no Derek. Tonight, we're moving on."

As Stiles says this line to Noel's apparent discomfort, Scott gets a call from Allison. He looks at Noel, who is waiting for his verdict, and Scott says "You're right."

"That's right I'm right," Stiles says, Scott repeating "Moving on."

"Onward and upward," Stiles agrees enthusiastically, both of them turning to Noel. Noel looks between them for a second before sighing and repeating halfheartedly "Onward and upward."

"That's what I'm talking about, boys!" Stiles says, slapping a hand on both their shoulders and leading them up the stairs.

"How does my breath smell?" Scott asks nervously, Stiles saying "I'm not smelling your breath."

"Do you have any gum?" he asks again, Stiles saying exasperatedly "No, no gum! You're fine!"

"You could at least tell us what kind of party this is," Noel asks, and suddenly we see that inside the party, things are jumping. Heather tells her friend she's going to lose her virginity tonight, and her friend asks who her target even is. Stiles and the boys then walk in, and she calls out Stiles' name enthusiastically.

"There's the birthday gi-" Stiles is interrupted by Heather pressing a kiss to his lips, and all three boys watch in shock as they kiss briefly.

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